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meshoxx July 4, 2013 06:27

Avoiding repetition (how to divide the main block to small ones)
I am trying to mesh Tube bank using ICEM. After drawing the geometry I wantted to o-grid mesh each cylinders .there are like 130 cylinders (there is no way to take a portion coz the geometry isnt semmetric).The problem is I have to manually divide the main block and then apply the o-grid technique to each cylinder (just like in this video I THINK EXPERTS WOULD NEVER GO THROGHT Rrepetition PROCCESS LIKE THAT).Any cluse to handle this problem.Is there command that divide the main block into small ones based on the curves (cylinders) that are inside the main block.

Thanks in Advance for your help.

FJSJ July 4, 2013 07:13

There is no pattern between cylinders?

Can you share a picture?

meshoxx July 4, 2013 07:22

yes I can !

diamondx July 4, 2013 15:38

there should be a pattern , if not how did you draw the 150 cylinders in first place ???

meshoxx July 4, 2013 17:30

I mean that there is no way to take a porion of the physical domain for the CFD.It is a tube bank just like the in-line pattern but the cylinders are Sinusoidally distributed in the stream-wise direction.

I drew one horizontal row then I transformed it vertically.

meshoxx July 5, 2013 04:21

No one can help solving that ?.I need to divide the domain into small blocks covering the cylinders

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