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zeophlite July 5, 2013 05:45

DesignModeler freezes when I try to Slice

I'm using DesignModeler to prepare my geometry before meshing. In particular, I've imported my assembly from SolidWorks 2012, now I'm trying to use Slice to breakup a body for meshing. After importing, I have 2 parts, the impeller and the rest of the piping. I've used Slice to break the piping into the inlet pipe, a pump cavity, the outlet pipe, and the reservoir. Now I'm trying to break the inlet pipe (left of image: First Image ) into bodies for each of the pipes and bends.

However, when I hit Generate, DesignModeler crashes Second Image - note in particular, the status message is "Generating Feature (9 / 10) sliceinlet ..."

The same thing happens when after importing, I slice all the edgeloops for the bends and pipes instead of just those between the 4 major components.

Is there anyway to fix this?


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