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naveenaswathy April 6, 2010 12:14

getting co-ordinate info
how to extract x,y,z co-ordinate data file from an already existing ansys icem geometry (.prj) file? i have a ship geometry file (.prj file) in ansys icem. how can i get the offset table from the same?
please advice

PSYMN April 7, 2010 11:37

The *.prj file doesn't contain coordinates.
The *.prj file is just a "project" file. It is ASCII so you can read it with a text editor and see that it is just file names and settings.

The Geometry is in the *.tin file (Tetra Input or "TetIn" file). We use this same geometry file for all our meshers (not just tetra ;) ) If you are looking for geometry points, etc. you can find them in the Tetin file. again, it is just ASCII you so can read it with a text editor.

If you are looking for the coordinates of the mesh, you will have a harder time with the *.uns file because it is a compressed binary file and can't be read with a text editor. If that is what you are after, then I suggest you output your mesh in an ASCII format such as Fluent.msh or Nastran.dat or something like that.

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