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Cheeko May 29, 2010 13:52

Some GAMBIT features missing in ICEM : substract and size function!
Hello everybody,
I used GAMBIT for a while and I found it very easy to use the substract option in order to substract one surface out of another one. However, with ICEM, I can't find a way to substract the surface of my airfoil ouf of the surface created from my external border; my purpose is to create a hole in the surface created from the external border and every alternative I tried (Trim surface by curve, create a surface from 2-4 curves, etc..)

I also have another problem: I want to create an unstructured mesh. Assuming I managed to create my surface, how can I set the meshing growth rate? I can set the size of the cells on the curves of my airfoil and the external border, but there is no way to control the growth rate.

Thank for your help!

EDIT: Thank for the info, with your information I have don my mesh!

PSYMN May 31, 2010 22:04

Its all there...
Is this a 2D mesh problem?

Do you want unstructured quad or Tri?

For Hexa, please see the 3 movies on This also shows the geometry setup and scripting.

For Tri, please remember that ICEM CFD is not like Gambit at all. There is no need for a "subtract". In ICEM CFD, you just create a material point to choose which volumes you mesh. For 2D, you can just create a surface from your far field then use "Geometry => Repair => Build Topology", set the tolerance to less than your smallest mesh size and apply. This will "trim" your farfield surface with your airfoil curve and then you can either mesh both (inside and outside) or one or the other or even delete the inner surface if you would prefer.

For a sizing function, we have Mesh => Global Params => "curvature and proximity refinement" For 2D, it only works with the patch independent mesher, so make sure to choose that method if you want to use it.


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