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Yuan-Heng Huang November 1, 2000 05:42

how can I reduce the file size of transient data
Everytime,when I run transient case the *.pstt file is so big.It's size is 2GB .And the Star windows would stop with the massage,"system error".

May I save the data with several cells during the STAR Analysis running prrcess?

thanks for you answer!!!

hyh 2000.11.1

A.Hassaneen November 1, 2000 07:09

Re: how can I reduce the file size of transient da
The best way to reduce the size is to choose the POST frequency (in the SOLUTION CONTROL) to be every 5 or 10 time steps.

Joern Beilke November 1, 2000 09:56

Re: how can I reduce the file size of transient da
Save only those data which you need for postprocessing. Maybe you have to define several "load steps". Another option is to do use "posdat.f" to extract what you want after each time step.

Mathew C. Mathew December 1, 2000 22:16

Re: how can I reduce the file size of transient da
I am facing a similar problem, I actually require a high resolution of results, and so wish to collect data for small time steps. I was under the impression that using the transient module, I would be able to select the cells which I want the post transient data stored for a load step. However, even when I specify a range, the data collected for any step is infact of all the cells in the mesh, not just the selected few.

The major problem seems to be with the inclusion of mass flux (U,V,W and mass flux are what I am interested in and only store U,V,W, and flux)

Infact even when I store the data infrequently, the pstt file becomes large very quickly. I have 197,190 cells, and after saving for 5 steps I accumulate a pstt file of 67.7Mb (I am hoping to get about 720 time steps saved.......still hoping and trying)

If anyone has come across this before, I would be very grateful for any ideas,

thankyou, Mathew

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