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Dominik May 3, 2006 04:21

Integration with Fieldview

i need help regarding the capabilities of fieldview. I've got a 3d (X,Y,Z) concentration field and want to integrate only in Z-direction, or better said i want to average in Z-direction. The result should be a new X,Y contour plot. In the function pop-up you can't integrate and in the integration-controls-panel you obtain only the result of the integration of the current surface. Has anybody experience in this problem and is able to help me??



Atit May 3, 2006 10:15

Re: Integration with Fieldview
I am not sure if I understand you exactly. In my case, I write expression to integrate some properties, such as, temperature, pressure, or density over the planes perpendicular to the flow direction. In the expression, I use 'FOR' to change the position of those planes. Is this the thing you want?

Dominik May 4, 2006 11:10

Re: Integration with Fieldview

what actually is 'FOR'? Fortran? I want to average a 3d concentration field in one direction. The result is 2d concentration field.



Dominik May 5, 2006 02:14

Re: Integration with Fieldview

what actually is 'FOR'? Fortran? I want to average a 3d concentration field in one direction. The result is 2d concentration field.



Atit May 7, 2006 13:28

Re: Integration with Fieldview
I enter the following code in 'command editor' of CFX-Post. I hope you can adapt it to what you want.

!open (OUTFILE_bfAD, ">ResultFiles/RotTube_velvel_Buoyant_rotat_bf.dat"); !for ($i=0; $i<=10; $i++) { #calculate a new value of y !$Y = 4.1 + $i * 4.58; # change the plane location PLANE: Plane 1 Option = ZX Plane Y = $Y [m] END !$Press = massFlowAve("Pressure", "Plane 1"); !$ptot = massFlowAve("Total Pressure", "Plane 1"); !$Temp = massFlowAve("Temperature", "Plane 1"); !$Vel = massFlowAve("Velocity", "Plane 1"); !$u_vel = massFlowAve("Velocity u", "Plane 1"); !$v_vel = massFlowAve("Velocity v", "Plane 1"); !$w_vel = massFlowAve("Velocity w", "Plane 1"); !$Den = massFlowAve("Density", "Plane 1"); !$enthalS = massFlowInt("enthalpy", "Plane 1"); !$entroS = massFlowInt("entropy", "Plane 1"); !$mvel = massFlowInt("Velocity", "Plane 1"); !$AreaP = area("Plane 1"); !$vel_theta = areaAve("Velocity u*Velocity u +Velocity w*Velocity w", "Plane 1"); !$mdot = massFlow("Plane 1"); !print OUTFILE_bfAD "$Y $Temp $Press $Den $Vel $u_vel $v_vel $w_vel $vel_theta $AreaP $mdot $enthalS $ptot $entroS $mvel\n"; !} !close (OUTFILE_bfAD);

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