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Susan December 5, 2007 12:27

The command cfx5mkext in Tutorial 17
I use Compaq Visual Fortran Professional Edition 6.50, and Ansys CFX 10.0. When I did the tutorial 17, input the Command ! system ("cfx5mkext TStat_Control.F") <1 or die "cfx5mkext failed"; , without any error information appearing, but there is no .dll file either. Then run in Solver, the fatal error information like this: Unable to find library winnt/TStat_Control.dll on path "D:/CFX-Ue- |Uebung/T17". Is it possible because of the version of Fortran? Or is there any other possibility?

Thanks, Susan

jakjak December 5, 2007 19:46

Re: The command cfx5mkext in Tutorial 17
Susan, Can you try compiling your subroutine from the "Command Line" (under Tools in CFX-10.0 Launcher)? You probably need to change the working directory to where you have stored your tutorial and TStat_Control.F files. When you at Command prompt, type: cfx5mkext -v *.F the '-v' option means verbose mode, it should print out additional message for you to figure out why it's not generating a .dll file

goood luck


Susan December 6, 2007 03:45

Re: The command cfx5mkext in Tutorial 17
Thanks, jak.

But I really copied the files that the tutotial requires to the folder D/CFX-Uebung/T17, which is also the working directory, and I run the command under Ansys-pre/Tools/Command Editor. Then process, it looks fine, no error information appears, but then check the folder, there isn't .dll file either.

Regards, Susan

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