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dgzilber May 31, 2009 11:52

Complicated CAD import, how do I find fluid volume?
Hi ,
I have searched this forum, the web, and the help files of CFX extensively but have been unable to find helpful results. I am importing a CAD file and from this CAD file, I must generate a mesh of the liquid volume, not the volume of the solid itself, in order to perform computational fluid analysis using the CFX suite.
In ANSYS workbench, I have tried to use combinations of add material and cut material, in conjunction with a larger solid block, using the Design Modeler software. However, this is quite cumbersome, and I would imagine that there is a simpler way to do this.
If someone could help me find the liquid volume using this simpler way, I would be very much grateful.

Thank you for your time,

ghorrocks May 31, 2009 19:01


Use the fill command in Workbench.

Glenn Horrocks

dgzilber June 1, 2009 03:40

I have tried the fill command as well, but for some reason, every time I use it I receive an error regarding the programs inability to heal wounds.

"Cannot heal patch/wounds from removed faces. Context: Geometry Engine, while generating feature Fill1. Error: Fill operation failed. Context: Fill Feature Fill1."

I have tried creating simple geometries, with the goal of obtaining a successful fill, but anything more complicated than a tube results in an error.

What am I doing wrong?

ghorrocks June 1, 2009 18:46


There are some tricks to getting some of these commands to work - and I am not going to write a thesis on how to do it (maybe I am just lazy). Do lots of examples, do some CFX training is all I can recommend. Also there are several ways of doing it in CFX. Fill is one way, cutting bodies is another. You can also use the CAD import cleanup stuff.

Glenn Horrocks

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