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seaharrier June 26, 2009 03:16

CFX results postprocess in Tecplot
hi, everyone,
I simulate rotor 37 in CFX, but want to postprocess the result in Tecplot, i don't know how to cut a B2B surface because the CFX mesh is considered as unstructural.

Could somebody help me?

Thanks very much.

ghorrocks June 26, 2009 07:14


I think there is a tecplot export option. Go to the solver manager, under tools I think there is an export data gizmo. I don't have CFX in front of me so can't give you the exact location.

Glenn Horrocks

seaharrier June 26, 2009 22:12

thanks Glenn,

i did the export of CGNS format, but there's no such an option as exporting a result basing on structural grid. the problem is in CFX itself, solving equationgs of conservation in unstructured grid.

could i make some change by a coding or other methods, anyway,
only to extract some surface like B2B in Tecplot?

perhaps i must seek help in Tecplot helping PDFs.

ghorrocks June 27, 2009 06:27


Well then you are stuck because CFX is an unstructured solver so there is no way it will output a structured grid. If your grid is actually structured you could write your own export routine then you would get a structured grid output. Have a look in the documentation for how to do this.

But my guess is you will be unlikely to do better than the existing CGNS export so why not stick with that.

I don't know what you mean by extracting surfaces. Do you want the full 3D domain or just the boundaries? What are you trying to do with the output anyway?

Glenn Horrocks

seaharrier June 27, 2009 07:35

Thank you very much,Glenn,
I just want to make some turbo surfaces in Tecplot, such as that in CFX post turbo module.
Thanks for your advice, I will try doing that in Tecplot,
maybe this is the easiest practice.

qinglonger April 18, 2019 01:01

I simulated a centrifugal compressor in NUMECA and imported the CGNS format flie into
Tecplot. Now, I want to cut a B2B surface, such as that in CFVIEW or CFX post.
Have you solved this problem in Tecplot?
Thank you!

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