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superqtp May 23, 2010 21:34

CFX parallel Computing under linux OS
I made a parallel calculation in linux system and the .pbs file was written as followed,

#PBS -N ansys-cfx
#PBS -q batch
#PBS -o ./outfile
#PBS -e ./errfile
#PBS -l nodes=1 pn=8,walltime=99999:00:00
export Jrun=`pwd`
cfx5solve -def ladle.def -initial 600_full.trn -par-dist "carsi-node01*8"

During the calculation the job submitted was break off with the following informaton::o

=>> PBS: job killed: cput 345628 exceeded limit 345600
A fatal error has occurred in cfx5solve:
cfx5solve was killed by the user.
Does anyone know what caused the error? :confused:How can I solve the problem? :confused: Thanks in advance!!!:):)

ghorrocks May 24, 2010 06:52

It is a PBS issue, not a CFX issue. You set the maximum run time to 345600 (seconds?) and it was exceeded so PBS killed the job. You have to set the maximum run time to longer, or even better remove the maximum run time.

I don't see why you are setting the walltime parameter. I would remove it unless you need it for your setup.

freemankofi June 9, 2010 11:45

You've exceeded your allowable wall time (human clock) from your computer server. Your limit is 345600 (s) or (96 hrs) and requesting 99999 (hrs). Try to reduce your wall time to say, 48 hrs (walltime=48:00:00) and see. If it works then, you either have to computer your cluster guy to bump up your wall time limit, especially if your run will take more than 4 days.

mohammad July 4, 2011 05:49


Originally Posted by superqtp (Post 259917)
I made a parallel calculation in linux system and the .pbs file was written as followed,

#PBS -N ansys-cfx
#PBS -q batch
#PBS -o ./outfile
#PBS -e ./errfile
#PBS -l nodes=1 pn=8,walltime=99999:00:00
export Jrun=`pwd`
cfx5solve -def ladle.def -initial 600_full.trn -par-dist "carsi-node01*8"

During the calculation the job submitted was break off with the following informaton::o

=>> PBS: job killed: cput 345628 exceeded limit 345600
A fatal error has occurred in cfx5solve:
cfx5solve was killed by the user.
Does anyone know what caused the error? :confused:How can I solve the problem? :confused: Thanks in advance!!!:):)

Hi my friend.
I'm trying to use the supercomputer with LINUX .
I have some questions and hope you help me...
I want to know how to activate the parallel mode in CFX 121..
i tried by the command "cfx5parallel -install-mpich2-service" the SSH panel.

the error is this :
"-bash: opt/ansys_inc/v121/CFX/bin/cfx5parallel: No such file or directory"

I want to know:
1- how to activate the parallel processing?
2-Which "run mode " did you use for your simulation? "MPICH or...?"
3_ if I use the pbs file like yours do you think that I can jump over introducing the " parallel processing " and use parallel CPUs even with out introducing it to CFX121?

I'm really waiting for your help . :):)

freemankofi July 4, 2011 11:56


Perhaps, superqtp will response to you on your questions. But in the meantime, please be advised that "parallel" is add-on feature which suppose to come with your license. If you purchase this feature then it's already installed you don't have to do anything unless the individual who installed it didn't do it properly.

One of the simple commands for running parallel on batch mode is:
cfxsolve -batch -def file_name.def -par -start-method "HP MPI Local Parallel" -part 3&

The above asks CFX to run def file by name "file_name.def" using HP MPI local of 3 CPUs. Note that this is for local computer with more than 1 cpus. The same command holds for cluster except that the parallel method for HP MPI local will change to something similar to superqtp pbs.

Lastly, there are well documented information in CFX manual on running parallel and I suggest that you take some time to read it.

mohammad July 5, 2011 00:04


Originally Posted by freemankofi (Post 314661)

..... If you purchase this feature then it's already installed you don't have to do anything unless the individual who installed it didn't do it properly.

Hi Freeman,
I think the installation has a problem. I'm trying to find the command line to re-install it again by myself or tell the Admin. the procedure of installation. The problem is that the Admin. is not expert and doesn't know how to deal with.
So I should solve it . As i told before, in the Windows the command line is this:

"cfx5parallel -install-mpich2-service" and I should write it in command line in the Launcher-->tools-->Command line.

but I don't know what's the command line for activation of this matter in LINUX +how and where( in which folder or path or...) I must apply the command .

I hope help comes along.

Be happy and have a good luck :)

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