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Ton November 5, 2010 03:21

RMS P-mass no-convergence for low pressure ration,low rotor speed turbine
i am simulating a flow about low pressure ration,low rotor speed turbine with CFX. The settings are as follows:
1)Boundary condition: pressure condition
2)RS interface: Mixing Plane Method/Frozen Rotor Method
3)Material:Ideal Gas(Comprssible)
4)Turbulence Model:SST

i have done many tests about the mesh density and RS setting, but the results are the same: the RMS p-mass is divergent, but the other monitor paramters are convergent. i find that the RMS p-mass non-convergence occurs in the rotor domain.

The reason that RMS p-mass is not convergent should be caused by the unstable flow in rotor domain. But now i donn't want to do the transient analysis. i want to find a method to stabilize the flow. Who can help me?Thanks!


ghorrocks November 5, 2010 05:11

Use small physical timescales to start it off. Once you have a few iterations done ramp the timescale up. When the timescale is large enough the theory is that it can "average out" the fluctuations to a steady state result. It does not always work.

There are lots more hints for convergence in the documentation and here:

Ton November 5, 2010 18:40

[ Thanks ghorrocks,

i have done the tests about changing timescales.The results are the same. if no results is used as initial condition, the RMS p-mass smoothly drops to below 1.0E-4 at before 150 steps, but the RMS p-mass gradually diverges as the calculation is going on. if previous results is used as initial condition,the divergence occurs earlier.

There are serious flow separation in rotor . The boundary conditions is also far away design point. The calcuation is indeed difficult.

Ever i used the incompressible gas, the convergent process was good. But the mach number of most domain zoon exceeds 0.3. So i must choose the compressible gas.

whether are there some expert parameters to stabilize the unstable flow.

ghorrocks November 6, 2010 06:21

Forget the expert parameters. If the p-mass always diverges no matter what you do then you have a problem in your simulation setup.

Does it converge using a mass flow inlet and a pressure outlet? Just guess a representative mass flow. Pressure boundaries for inlet and outlets can be numerically unstable.

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