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samcfd February 18, 2013 01:05

Udf help
Dear Ajay,

I'm writing a C program for Flapping of a 3D wing. I'm unable to compile it in TURBO C. I' attaching the program along with the errors that r generated. kindly have a look and help me debug it.
# include <math.h>
# include "udf.h"
# include "dynamesh_tools.h"
# define DEFINE_CG_MOTION(wing,dt,vel,omega,time,dtime) {\
double Freq, pi, w, degree, phimax, thmax, phi, dphi, dtheta;\
degree = 20; /*degree step set by journal file*/ \
Freq=1.0/(dtime*degree); /*dtime is the physical time step defined in the journal file*/ \
pi = 3.141592654;\
w=2*pi*Freq; /*Omega (radians)*/\
phimax = 30.0*pi/180; /*flapping amplitude set by journal file*/\
thmax = 30.0*pi/180; /*feathering amplitude set by journal file*/\
phi = -phimax*sin(w*time); /*flapping angle*/\
dphi = -phimax*w*cos(w*time); /*flapping speed*/\
dtheta = thmax*w*sin(w*time); /*feathering speed*/\
vel[0] = 0;\
vel[1] = 0;\
vel[2] = 0;\
omega[0] = dphi;\
omega[1] = dtheta*cos(phi);\
omega[2] = dtheta*sin(phi);\

The errors are as follows

Error C:\ TC\ Airfoil 1.c : unable to open include file ' DYNAMESH_TOOLS.H'

Error C:\ TC\ include\udf.h : unexpected end of file in conditional started on line 0


Originally Posted by Ajay
Hi, The error means that you cant use Interpreted UDF you have to use compiled UDF. compiled udf are bit more difficult to set up , you need to build the libraries and then load them. You should have an external compiler , VC++ compiler, thats the way i do it. Let me know if you need more help with it. -Ajay

prishor February 28, 2013 00:11

hi ajay,

in your post you have mentioned to make directory for compiled UDF in x86 system. i am using x64 system. how can i make the directory and compile the UDF in x64 system.
whether i have to install visual c++ or visual studio prior.

please help me

thanks and regards,

ashar_md2001 May 21, 2013 18:05

Help with the UDF
Hi there fellow fluent users.I get an error message when trying to interpret the UDF in Fluent see below

ashar_md2001 May 24, 2013 14:57

Help with the error in UDF
Hi fluent users,
I get an error message when trying to interpret the UDF in Fluent. The following message appears: line 124: parse error. I even tried
c:\\ntbin\ntx86 folder ... as suggested by Ajay.
Also if there is any correction in the UDF it could be suggested

#include "udf.h" /* must be the bginning of every UDF you write */
#include "sg_pb.h"
#include "sg_mphase.h"

real J,S;
real Kn=1.0e36; /* Nucleation rate constant */
real Nn=2686.; /* Nucleation law power index */
real T,solute_mass_fract,solvent_mass_frac,solute_mol_f rac,solubility;
real solute_mol_wt, solvent_mol_wt;

Thread *tc=THREAD_SUPER_THREAD(thread); /* obtain mixture thread */
Thread **pt=THREAD_SUB_THREADS(tc); /* pointer to sub_threads thread */
Thread **tp=pt[P_PHASE]; /* primary phase thread */

solute_mol_wt=224.00; /* molecular weight of barium sulphate */
solvent_mol_wt=18.; /* molecular weight of water */
solute_mass_frac=C_YI(cell,tp,o); /* mass fraction of solute in primary phase (solvent)*/

T=C_T(cell,tp); /* Temperature of primary phase in kelvin */
solubility=0.0005*T-0.0794; /* Solubility Law relating equilibrium solute mole fraction to Temperature */

s=solute_mol_frac/solubilty; /* Definition of Supersaturation */
if (S=1.)
return J;

the equation is J=Kn exp (-Nn/(lnS)^2)

Hi guys any help or guidance will be appreciated

bradlee March 18, 2015 22:53

Hi, ashar

Did you solve this error??

If you are, can you explain how to solve the error??

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