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Muhammad Usman Qureshi March 26, 2008 09:46

error during solution initialization

i get following errors for various flow parameters when i initialize the solution:

Warning: ST_Malloc: out of memory.malloc_storage:

my mesh is 3D.

Thank you.

Daniel Tanner March 26, 2008 11:00

Re: error during solution initialization
Your mesh may require more memory than is available!

How big is your mesh (number of volume elements), how many processors are you initialising on, what is the processor architecture (do you have 32-bit or 64-bit) and what platform is it (Windows or Unix-type)?

Viren Rodrigues March 28, 2008 12:29

Re: error during solution initialization
I am having a similar problem. Though my case with initialize, when i try to iterate i get the error "error 100000: failed to allocate 51.36MB memory". When i look at my task manager however only about 2Gb of 3Gb of RAM is being used, there is still a significant amount of virtual memory as well. Is there any way to have fluent use more of the computers resources. I am working in 3D and i have about 2.7 million elements. I am running windows, i believe the process architecture is 32-bit, and i am initializing on one processor. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Daniel Tanner March 28, 2008 17:27

Re: error during solution initialization *NM*

Daniel Tanner March 28, 2008 17:33

Re: error during solution initialization
The allocatable ram is platform limited. Theoretically a 32-bit processor can allocate ~ 4.3Gb (2^32) of ram.

However, Windows will only allow a maximum of around 1.5Gb of Ram to be allocated (for a single process on a 32-bit system). You could try a Linux platform, they allow slightly more. The alternative is to use a smaller mesh!

Viren Rodrigues March 28, 2008 17:38

Re: error during solution initialization

Thanks for the help, my issue has been that the volumetric mesh could not be completed without a large number of elements as the part is complex. I believe I will have to simplify the geometry.

Thanks, Viren

Daniel Tanner March 28, 2008 17:45

Re: error during solution initialization
Do you mesh in Gambit? You could try size functions to focus mesh resolution in the important regions (large changes in geometry or large gradients in flow) and reducing mesh density in regions of uniform flow? Otherwise simplification would work. Good luck.

DenizeN March 31, 2008 07:26

Re: error during solution initialization
You are mashrooms! Try to run parallel vrsion on 32 mashine. This can help to use all 3 Gb of ram.

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