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dfytanid June 25, 2009 09:03

Pipeline deforming wall
Hello All,

I’m working on a CFD simulation of a complex non cylindrical pipeline flow and I want to simulate the displacement of the wall of the pipe. Since this displacement is calculated as a custom function using some flow properties (such as wall shear stress, pressure, concentration of a substance etc.) I’ll write a UDF.

As I’m not really familiar with the moving mesh methods of Fluent could someone explain to me which method will be more suitable for my simulation? I think that I could use a deforming wall zone with a Geometry udf. But if this is the correct simulation, do I have to define the inlet and the outflows to fit to this displacement as “faceted” definition??

Moreover, as my simulation is unsteady do you thing that it would be better to write a udf in which I could calculate the velocity of the wall displacement instead of the displacement?

Thank you in advance for your valuable help.

Looking forward for an answer.

Dimitrios Fytanidis

gi12 January 7, 2011 12:05

Have you managed

Hi, I am more or less in the same problem. Have you managed to solve this problem, if so please let me know how did you go through it

Many thanks

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