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Liang June 8, 2000 07:27

Mesh problem.
Dear everyone,

Now I finished a 2D triangulation program, just like TRIANGLE,I used PSLG to respresent the domain. And now I want to develop a program which can generate a PSLG file automatically. My question is that:How to discrete curves (insert points on these curves) according to user's requirements? (such as point density, max/min line segment length on these curves) Are there any papers on the website?



Robert Schneiders June 15, 2000 12:31

Re: Mesh problem.
Dear Liang,

I don't know of any papers, so I cannot help you sorry. However, can you give me more information on your triangulation program? Do you have a web page?

Best regards,


Robert Schneiders MAGMA Giessereitechnologie GmbH D-52072 Aachen Kackertstr. 11 Germany Tel.: +49-241-88901-13 email: www:

Liang June 20, 2000 04:23

Re: Mesh problem.
Dear Robert,

This program was implemented by incremental algorithm(Delaunay Triangulation), constrained by triangle's minimum angle and maximum area. For our time-dependant problem, we want to exactly control the points on the boundary, so during the triangulation process, we never insert points on the boundary(respented by rational cubic bezier curves), that's why I'm intended to find a better algorithm to discrete this curves according to these curves' curvatures and user's requirements.

I don't know what's your purpose about my triangulation program(this program is for our specific problem), so I think you'd better download TRIANGLE from the website, it's a more general one and also you can find many details about this program on the website.

Good luck!


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