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ozzythewise June 8, 2010 12:09

Default patches not appearing in paraview
1 Attachment(s)
Hello all,

I am trying to create a mesh with OF and I get this warning when I compile:

--> FOAM Warning :
From function polyMesh::polyMesh(... construct from shapes...)
in file meshes/polyMesh/polyMeshFromShapeMesh.C at line 577
Found 1 undefined faces in mesh; adding to default patch.

Now usually I know that means that one face isn't defined in my patches but for the life of me I can't figure out where. In addition, when I open up paraview I cannot see any default patches to help me identify where I forgot to define it. I've attached a screenshot of my paraview window with the object inspector open. Notice how there is no place to select default patches. Below is also a copy of my blockMeshDict file:

convertToMeters 1;

(0 1.438 0) //0
(0.534 2.28 0) //1
(0.534 8.0353 0) //2
(8.053 0 0) //3
(3.4512 0 0) //4
(3.4512 0.719 0) //5
(0 1.438 0.1) //6
(0.534 2.28 0.1) //7
(0.534 8.0353 0.1) //8
(8.053 0 0.1) //9
(3.4512 0 0.1) //10
(3.4512 0.719 0.1) //11
(8.021 0.719 0) //12
(8.021 0.719 0.1) //13

hex (0 5 5 1 6 11 11 7) (10 10 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (1 5 12 2 7 11 13 8) (10 10 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (4 3 12 5 10 9 13 11) (10 10 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)


simpleSpline 0 5 (
(0.5752 1.114 0)
(1.15 0.9347 0)
(2.013 0.7909 0)
simpleSpline 6 11(
(0.5752 1.114 0.1)
(1.15 0.9347 0.1)
(2.013 0.7909 0.1)
arc 2 12 (5.694 5.694 0)
arc 8 13 (5.694 5.694 0.1)
arc 12 3 (8.04496 0.3598 0)
arc 13 9 (8.04496 0.3598 0.1)

patch exhaustInlet
(7 1 0 6)
patch externalInlet
(8 2 1 7)
patch Outlet
(13 9 3 12)
(8 13 12 2)
wall plugWall
(0 5 11 6)
(5 4 10 11)
symmetryPlane plugBase
(4 3 9 10)
empty frontAndBack
(0 5 5 1)
(1 5 12 2)
(4 3 12 5)
(8 7 11 13)
(7 6 11 11)
(11 10 9 13)


I'm sure I'm doing something silly but if anybody could give me a hand I would really appreciate it.


ozzythewise June 10, 2010 12:50

anybody have any thoughts on this?

mohsenkh599 June 13, 2010 07:11

I want to make a 3d geometry like a tube using blockMesh utility. but it seems like there is no internal mesh in the geometry. is it possible to use the blockmesh to create 3D meshes?

ozzythewise June 13, 2010 11:18


Yes definitely there is a way. OpenFOAM basically treats anything like a 3D object, so there should be no difference in your setup between 3D and 2D shapes. The difference is that for 2D shapes there is only 1 block in the z-direction (or whatever direction you choose to make it) and with 3D there are >1 blocks. Post your blockMeshDict file and I'll have a look at it.


mohsenkh599 June 13, 2010 15:33

thank you very much
my 3D mesh is as follows
convertToMeters 0.001;

(3 2 0)
(3 2.5 0)
(3 3 0)
(3 3.5 0)
(3 4 0)
(2 3 0)
(4 3 0)
(3 2 10)
(3 2.5 10)
(3 3 10)
(3 3.5 10)
(3 4 10)
(2 3 10)
(4 3 10)

(3 0 10)
(3 1.5 10)

(3 4.5 10)
(3 6 10)
(0 3 10)
(6 3 10)
(3 0 15)
(3 1.5 15)
(3 3 15)
(3 4.5 15)
(3 6 15)
(0 3 15)
(6 3 15)


hex (0 6 2 1 7 13 9 8) (10 10 50) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (6 4 3 2 13 11 10 9) (10 10 50) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (4 5 2 3 11 12 9 10) (10 10 50) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (5 0 1 2 12 7 8 9) (10 10 50) simpleGrading (1 1 1)

hex (14 19 9 15 20 26 22 21) (30 30 50) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (19 17 16 9 26 24 23 22) (30 30 50) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (17 18 9 16 24 25 22 23) (30 30 50) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (18 14 15 9 25 20 21 22) (30 30 50) simpleGrading (1 1 1)

arc 0 6 (3.707106781 2.292893219 0)
arc 7 13 (3.707106781 2.292893219 10)
arc 6 4 (3.707106781 3.707106781 0)
arc 13 11 (3.707106781 3.707106781 10)
arc 4 5 (2.292893219 3.707106781 0)
arc 11 12 (2.292893219 3.707106781 10)
arc 5 0 (2.292893219 2.292893219 0)
arc 12 7 (2.292893219 2.292893219 10)

arc 14 19 (5.121320344 0.878679656 10)
arc 20 26 (5.121320344 0.878679656 15)
arc 19 17 (5.121320344 5.121320344 10)
arc 26 24 (5.121320344 5.121320344 15)
arc 17 18 (0.878679656 5.121320344 10)
arc 24 25 (0.878679656 5.121320344 15)
arc 18 14 (0.878679656 0.878679656 10)
arc 25 20 (0.878679656 0.878679656 15)

wall fixedwalls
(0 6 13 7)
(6 4 11 13)
(4 5 12 11)
(5 0 7 12)

(14 19 26 20)
(19 17 24 26)
(17 18 25 24)
(18 14 20 25)
patch inlet
(0 6 2 1)
(6 4 3 2)
(4 5 2 3)
(5 0 1 2)

patch outlet

(26 20 21 22)
(24 26 22 23)
(25 24 23 22)
(20 25 22 21)



ozzythewise June 13, 2010 20:55


I checked out your file, it looks good to me. I think what happens is that paraView doesn't show all the internal lines because if they did the second you rotated the image in any direction is would be a complete mess, so it just shows the lines for the cells on the outside face. But, if you take a slice through any point, you still see the lines, which to me means that you do in fact have an internal geometry. Try running a simulation and see if you get any problems.

Note also, you have 8 undefined faces. Not sure where they are but you should double check that you have everything properly named.

Good luck

marval January 31, 2011 09:41

Undefined faces

Originally Posted by ozzythewise (Post 262123)
Hello all,

I am trying to create a mesh with OF and I get this warning when I compile:

--> FOAM Warning :
From function polyMesh::polyMesh(... construct from shapes...)
in file meshes/polyMesh/polyMeshFromShapeMesh.C at line 577
Found 1 undefined faces in mesh; adding to default patch.

Now usually I know that means that one face isn't defined in my patches but for the life of me I can't figure out where. In addition, when I open up paraview I cannot see any default patches to help me identify where I forgot to define it. I've attached a screenshot of my paraview window with the object inspector open. Notice how there is no place to select default patches. Below is also a copy of my blockMeshDict file:

convertToMeters 1;

(0 1.438 0) //0
(0.534 2.28 0) //1
(0.534 8.0353 0) //2
(8.053 0 0) //3
(3.4512 0 0) //4
(3.4512 0.719 0) //5
(0 1.438 0.1) //6
(0.534 2.28 0.1) //7
(0.534 8.0353 0.1) //8
(8.053 0 0.1) //9
(3.4512 0 0.1) //10
(3.4512 0.719 0.1) //11
(8.021 0.719 0) //12
(8.021 0.719 0.1) //13

hex (0 5 5 1 6 11 11 7) (10 10 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (1 5 12 2 7 11 13 8) (10 10 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
hex (4 3 12 5 10 9 13 11) (10 10 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)


simpleSpline 0 5 (
(0.5752 1.114 0)
(1.15 0.9347 0)
(2.013 0.7909 0)
simpleSpline 6 11(
(0.5752 1.114 0.1)
(1.15 0.9347 0.1)
(2.013 0.7909 0.1)
arc 2 12 (5.694 5.694 0)
arc 8 13 (5.694 5.694 0.1)
arc 12 3 (8.04496 0.3598 0)
arc 13 9 (8.04496 0.3598 0.1)

patch exhaustInlet
(7 1 0 6)
patch externalInlet
(8 2 1 7)
patch Outlet
(13 9 3 12)
(8 13 12 2)
wall plugWall
(0 5 11 6)
(5 4 10 11)
symmetryPlane plugBase
(4 3 9 10)
empty frontAndBack
(0 5 5 1)
(1 5 12 2)
(4 3 12 5)
(8 7 11 13)
(7 6 11 11)
(11 10 9 13)


I'm sure I'm doing something silly but if anybody could give me a hand I would really appreciate it.


Hi Jeff!

Have you solved the undefined face -problem yet? I also have the same issue that paraView doesn't display the defaultFaces. And I also got only 1 undefined face.


mukul92 September 21, 2017 17:32

Even I am having the same issue and would be interested to know if there's some way to view the "defaultFaces" patch in ParaView to debug!

Antimony September 22, 2017 02:45


How are you viewing your case? If you use the .foam way, then all you need to do is to select the defaultFaces patch (and probably deselect internalMesh).

If not, then I suggest you use the .foam approach. Simply create an empty .foam file (example, case.foam) and open that with Paraview.

Hope this helps.


mukul92 September 22, 2017 09:51

Okay, thank you.. :)

Turns out it was a false alarm for me. I was getting the warning about faces added to default patch because OF does that will all faces before assigning them to different patches.

So, I guess the main thing to check is the "polyMesh/boundary" file and check if there actually is a "default" patch. Mine did not, implying that all faces were assigned to named boundary patches.

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