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gtg627e October 16, 2007 23:51

Dear Forum,

I am trying to mesh a box with a spherical cavity to model the flow around a sphere in OpenFOAM. I can easily produce my mesh in ANSYS and export it in .iges format. When I import the .iges in gmsh I only get outline. I understand gmsh is not set up to read CAD models. So I can use the outline of my domain and remesh in gmsh. My question is:

is this procedure still valid? s

Does anybody know of an easier way to produce a mesh for a box with a spherical cavity on the inside?

Thank you again,


gtg627e October 16, 2007 23:58

Dear Forum, I also wanted t
Dear Forum,

I also wanted to ask if it is possible to produce an OpenFoam mesh given a text file with node locations and their connectivity.

As far as the previous message, has anybody worked on such problem? Could you suggest any easy way to create a patch for the inside cavity (a sphere in my case)?

Thank you for you help,


mattijs October 17, 2007 03:18

If your points are the points
If your points are the points of a block structured mesh have a look at the plot3DToFoam sources ($FOAM_UTILITIES/mesh/conversion). The plot3D format is (usually) a single block structured mesh and gives only the coordinates in some i,j,k format.

gero December 21, 2007 03:41

Hello Alessandro Spadoni, >
Hello Alessandro Spadoni,

> Does anybody know of an easier way to produce a mesh for a box with a spherical cavity on the inside?

Maybe the fifth tutorial "t5.geo" in the gmsh reference manual can help you?

It does not seem to be a big problem with gmsh.

Regards, Gero.

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