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elvis July 26, 2012 16:13

Helyx-OS (GUI for SnappyHexMesh
Hi everybody,
saw that HelyxOS is ready for download!

=>HelyxOS is a preprocessor to run snappyHexMesh and setup cases for running supported solvers (means working OpenFOAM-2.1.x installation nescessary).

thanks to Engys for their great contribution

vkrastev July 26, 2012 17:53

Downloaded the pre-compiled software: at first glance it seems promising, but I've noticed that only a few discretization schemes are available for convective terms. Though they are probably the most popular and generally effective (1st order upwind, second order linear upwind, limited CD and filtered CD) I wonder if the list will be extended in the future. Anyway, great work and many thanks to the Engys guys!


elvis July 27, 2012 04:10

Dear Vesselin,

keep in mind that there are also some commercial product (Helyx&Elements) based on the same code.
These products will provide much more features and support, so the free of charge product can only be a teaser and full features come with the commercial product.

But it is a nice tool to handle SHM at least and create case setup to a certain point, so preprocessing process becomes less pain.

=> I am not affiliated with ENGYS or any commercial company in the OF-world

vkrastev July 27, 2012 04:20

Hi Elvis,
I do agree with you, mine was only a remark about a certainly not fundamental aspect (one can simply setup the case with the gui and then go through the fvSchemes file and modify whatever he wants). I also agree that the most interesting thing about the Helyx software is the integration with Snappy, which makes it probably the first concrete attempt to realize a fully integrated (preprocessor+solver+post processor) open source CFD tool. So, once again, thanks to the Engys team!


wyldckat July 27, 2012 15:47

Greetings to all!

As a tie-in their official news here at the forum:
They've also added it to the news section at ;)

I've finished up the missing link at

Mmm... which as lead me to an outdated page:

Best regards,

openfoam_user July 30, 2012 08:20

Hi Bruno,

I don't know if it is the right place where to ask this question.
I have installed the pre-compiled Helyx version.
When I launch helyx (./ I get the following message.
Helyx seems to work apart the GUI part (right side / error loading VTK libraries).

hel[25]cfs10-sanchi /home/sanchi % helyx
java -Xms128m -Xmx1024m -jar /shared/Engys/HelyxOS/v100/lib/HelyxOS.jar
vtkCommonJava loaded
vtkFilteringJava loaded
vtkGraphicsJava loaded
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /shared/Engys/HelyxOS/v100/ext/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(ClassLoader.jav a:1807)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary( :1732)
at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
at eu.engys.helyx.vtk.VTKUtil.loadLibrary(VTKUtil.jav a:87)
at eu.engys.helyx.vtk.VTKUtil.LoadAllNativeLibraries(
at eu.engys.helyx.gui.Launcher.main(
Make sure the search path is correct:
VTKUtil.librariesAreLoaded() false
[26]cfs10-sanchi /home/sanchi %


wyldckat July 30, 2012 09:01

Hi Stephane,

Search for existing files "*":

ls -l /shared/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty-2.1.x/platforms/linux64Gcc/openmpi-1.5.3/lib/*

ls -l /shared/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty-2.1.x/platforms/linux64Gcc/openmpi-1.5.3/lib64/*

In the folder where you have found probably the file "", run this command:

ln -s
Best regards,

openfoam_user July 30, 2012 09:14

Hi Bruno,

For my OF-installation the file "" is located in:

cd /shared/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty-2.1.x/platforms/linux64Gcc/openmpi-1.5.3/lib
ln -s

And now helyx GUI works !

Thanks for your very quick help !


wyldckat August 3, 2012 09:42

Hi Stephane and anyone else reading this!

I've reported this issue and provided a more generic solution here:

Best regards,

stez August 3, 2012 17:35

I have problems with libraries too.. I can start HelyxOS and set up my mesh, but when i go to "Create mesh" it gives me an error in
"blockMesh: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory"
Same error for snappyHexMesh (with
I'm running Caelinux 2011, with openfoam 2.0.x, i also installed openfoam 2.1.1 and updated /.bashrc settings, but without success.

What can i do?

wyldckat August 4, 2012 05:52

Greetings Stefano and welcome to the forum!

Mmm.... OK, a few questions:
  1. In your "~/.bashrc" file, are you certain that only OpenFOAM 2.1.1 is activated into the shell environment? For more on this subject: Advanced tips for working with the OpenFOAM shell environment
  2. Are you able to run blockMesh in the command line?
  3. Are you also launching Helyx-OS from the command line, the same command line where you ran blockMesh with success?
Best regards,

stez August 4, 2012 07:22

1. I'm not totally sure, but if it could help, I had the same error even before installing 2.1.1.
2.blockMesh works, obviously it give me an error of dict file not found if i'm not into a case directory.
3. yes, i run all from the same terminal.

Caelinux have also an "openfoam terminal": same error from that, too..

I think i will leave Caelinux for another distro and make a clean Openfoam install if problems goes on.

wyldckat August 4, 2012 07:52


Originally Posted by stez (Post 375359)
I think i will leave Caelinux for another distro and make a clean Openfoam install if problems goes on.

Right now I won't be able to run some tests with CAELinux, so I can't diagnose the problem until then.

My personal feeling is that CAELinux is good for getting started with things and to get a feel on how things work on Linux per-se and with open-source CAE applications. But after getting familiar with the environment, it's a good experience to step up to the next level and create your own personal installation of a Linux distribution more to your liking and build on it!

santos August 7, 2012 15:11


Just wanted to know whether I am the only one having a bug of not having the 'boundary' file in constant/polyMesh updated correctly by HelyxOS, as well as it seems that whenever we create a new case, the 'blockMeshDict' file is saved in the 'system' folder (not sure why).

Disclaimer: I am running HelyxOS on a 32bit machine. I had to correct a number of dependencies since Engys is only providing so far a 64bit binary, and the compilation instructions seem to be for 64bit as well.

Best regards,

wyldckat August 7, 2012 18:55

Hi José,


Originally Posted by santos (Post 375885)
Just wanted to know whether I am the only one having a bug of not having the 'boundary' file in constant/polyMesh updated correctly by HelyxOS,

The "boundary" file only updated for me if I define or change a surface geometry. Volume geometries don't count for the "boundary" file.
I used only the basic geometries that Helyx-OS provides.


Originally Posted by santos (Post 375885)
as well as it seems that whenever we create a new case, the 'blockMeshDict' file is saved in the 'system' folder (not sure why).

Same thing happens in 64bit with the official build. I was going to imply sunday driving was going on, but apparently it's taking advantage of blockMesh's option "-dict" :eek: It does make some sense to place this dict in "system" as well...


Originally Posted by santos (Post 375885)
Disclaimer: I am running HelyxOS on a 32bit machine. I had to correct a number of dependencies since Engys is only providing so far a 64bit binary, and the compilation instructions seem to be for 64bit as well.

I've been meaning to do the same, namely building from source... but Java can be such a pain in the "#$"%#$&... (may FoamX rest in peace :(...)

Best regards,

eugene August 8, 2012 04:48

I told them to put blockMeshDict in the system directory. This is the only dictionary that is in polyMesh and makes deleting old meshes dangerous and/or forces you to learn yet another command: foamClearPolyMesh. Much better to have blockMeshDict safe and sound in the system directory. In fact, if I had my way, all input dictionaries would be in the system directory. There is too much senseless legacy in foam imo.


santos August 8, 2012 06:04


Thanks for your comments, it makes some sense indeed to place blockMeshDict in the system directory.


I was able to compile and run HelyxOS on my 32bit openSUSE 12.1 system as long as I used Oracle's Java (did not work with the IcedTea version).

Best regards,

wyldckat August 8, 2012 08:25


Originally Posted by santos (Post 375991)
I was able to compile and run HelyxOS on my 32bit openSUSE 12.1 system as long as I used Oracle's Java (did not work with the IcedTea version).

The part that pains me is the need to also have to search and build the other third-party libraries... VTK and Java is almost given by most Linux distributions, but all of the other dependencies simply take a toll on my patience :(

stez August 8, 2012 11:31

No way I can run HelixOS :( .. Switched from CAElinux to Ubuntu 12.04, clean install of OpenFoam 2.1.1, updated /.bashrc, works fine.
HelyxOS starts, works almost fine with his "primitives" (only problem I can't use reconstructPar after a parallel run, but i think there a fault of mine somewhere in the settings), but it can't load STL. It crash down with this line in the terminal:

/home/stefano/Engys/HelyxOS/v100/ext/ riga 124: 32672 Annullato (core dump creato) ${JAVA} ${LOCALEFLAG} ${JFLAG} ${XFLAG} ${HELYXJAR} ${HELYXARG} ${VERBOSITY_LEVEL} $@ 1>&2

and whit this file in HelyxOS folder:

ERROR: In /home/stefano/VTK/IO/vtkSTLReader.cxx, line 378
vtkSTLReader (0x7fe1540012c0): STLReader error reading file: /home/stefano/.HelyxOS/tmp/tmp_2012.08.08_17.27.54_446/tokens21702/camera2.stl_vcg Premature EOF while reading point.

I tried several ASCII STL, exported from different software (blender and meshlab), no one works.

Any suggestion?

chegdan August 8, 2012 11:46

This could be a problem with the decimal separator in your STl

Its currently listed as a known issue and getting fixed.

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