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henrik October 20, 2009 17:01

Stammtische in Germany
Dear All,

I would like to draw your attention to two Stammtisch events:

Central Germany:
03.11.2009, 14:00 - 18.00
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Institut für Thermodynamik

Southern Germany:
05.11.2009, 10:00
University of Stuttgart, Campus Vaihingen

Further information can be found here:

Please register as soon as possible, in order to help us plan the events.

Best Regards,


henrik January 24, 2010 09:02

Dear All,

I would like to draw your attention to the upcoming Stammtisch events:

Central Germany:
Beuth-Hochschule Berlin

Southern Germany:
Hochschule Mannheim

Northern Germany:
Universität Rostock

Further information can be found here:

Please register as soon as possible, in order to help us plan the events.

Best Regards,


djbungee February 18, 2010 07:26

Next Stammtisch 'central Germany'
Hi Henrik,

we should come together and check for the next Stammtisch 'Central Germany'. Who will organize it? We had several suggestions in Berlin, do we have any confirmation already or at least a letter of intent?

Best regards, Ulf.

henrik March 16, 2010 06:11

Dear All,

I would like to draw your attention to the upcoming Stammtisch events:

Central Germany:
ZARM, Bremen

Further information can be found here:

Please register as soon as possible, in order to help us plan the events.

Best Regards,


henrik July 11, 2010 13:01

Stammtisch South
Dear all,

very simple:

Title: OpenFOAM Stammtisch (German Southbound Foamers)
Venue: Leibniz-Rechenzentrum (LRZ) / Garching bei München
Category: Meetings
Date: 30.07.2010 - 30.07.2010
Time: 10.00 h - 17.30 h

The OpenFOAM Stammtisch is intended as an informal user meeting for FOAMers in Germany. The agenda will be split up into three parts, namely

1. Technical Session
2. BoF Session
3. Get-together

You are welcome to join us!

The registration and organisation is done through the new OpenFOAM-portal (

* It is free, no attendance fee. If you want to attend please login and register for this event on the portal
* Please fill in the associated Poll for the BoF Session (
* For further questions/suggestions or in case you want to give a presentation in the technical session please contact Holger Marschall via the portal.

Best Regards,

Henrik Rusche

henrik July 21, 2010 13:35

Dear all,

and for Central Germany the next meeting will be at the TU Berlin (ISTA).

Full info and registration via the portal:

Best Regards,


henrik September 20, 2010 09:44

Dear Stammtischler,

The next Stammtisch "Mitte" will be held this week at the institute of Computational Fluid Dynamics and Aeroacoustics of the TU Berlin.

Termin: 24.9 (10.30 h - 17.00 h).

More information (including the agenda) is available here:

Please send a short mail to the address given in the link if you are attending.

Best Regards,


juliasp October 15, 2010 08:54

8th OpenFOAM user group meeting (Stammtisch) - Southern Germany
Dear Southbound FOAMers,

I am pleased to announce that the next OpenFOAM® user group meeting
(Stammtisch) in Southern Germany will take place at the University of
Ulm on

friday, november 19th, 2010 at 10:00 a.m.

Please register at the OpenFOAM-Extend Community Portal at or write an E-Mail to ideally before 12.11.2010.

The OpenFOAM® Stammtisch is intended as an informal user meeting for
FOAMers in Southern Germany. If you would like to give a presentation, please send an E-Mail to before 05.11.2010.

In order to determine the general interests for the BoF-groups of the
afternoon sessions please take part in the Doodle-Survey:
Don't forget your notebooks for the BoF-sessions.

Please also specify if you want to join the Get-together in the evening.

Agenda and room details for the meeting will be provided soon. If you
have any further questions or suggestions please write an E-Mail to

I am looking forward to seeing you at the 8th OpenFOAM® Stammtisch
(Southern Germany) in Ulm.

Best regards,
Julia Springer

turnow October 26, 2010 05:11

OpenFOAM Stammtisch Northern Germany
Hello Foamers,

The OF users of Rostock would like to announce the next meeting of the
northern OpenFOAM-User Group ("Stammtisch Nord") which will take place at the University of Rostock:

University of Rostock
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Shipbuilding
Institut of Technical Thermodynamics
Albert Einstein Str. 2

Start: 15:30 pm
Date: 25.11.2010

if you`re going to attend, please send me an e-mail, ideally before the 19.11.:


General interest is pointed to ship hydrodynamics and thermodynamics.

Other interest groups are strictly welcome! Don't forget your Laptops.


//Johann Turnow

henrik January 10, 2011 05:19

Dear All,

The OpenFOAM Stammtisch is intended as an informal user meeting for FOAMers in Germany. Previous meetings have been organised regionally, but there had been strong interest in a "united" Stammtisch where the regional groups have a chance to meet.

The general consensus was that "united" should not alter the nature of the event. Stammtisch United will be hands-on, low-key, non-conference, university-based and non-profit. The remaining questions shall be discussed at the Stammtisch - Let's try.

Due to popular demand, this Stammtisch is synchronsised with the "Jahrestreffen der Fachausschüsse Computational Fluid Dynamics und Mischvorgänge" of ProcessNet

which leads to the slightly unusual agenda:

Wed, 23.2., 18:30: Evening do at Restaurant/Bar U-View, Leonie-Reygers-Terasse, 44137 Dortmund

Thu, 24.2., 9:00 bis 16:30: Technical session and BoF sessions at TU Dortmund, Chemietechnik, Room CT-ZE 02

Further information is available on the OpenFOAM community portal

Please do not forget to register!

Looking forward to see you in Dortmund,


henrik February 18, 2011 07:26

Dear All,

the agenda of the upcoming Stammtisch "united" is taking shape:

9.00 Begrüssung
9.15 Uhr
  • Christian Lucas, TU Braunschweig, Implementierung einer Thermodynamikbibliothek für reale Gase in OpenFOAM - Notwendige Erweiterungen und praktische Probleme
  • Christoph Schwienheer, TU Dortmund, Simulation der Zweiphasen-Strömung in einem Zentrifugal-Chromatographen
  • Dominik Christ, RWTH Aachen, Simulation von flammenloser Verbrennung mit OpenFOAM
  • N.N., Hier könnte ihr Vortrag stehen!
  • Kaffeepause
11.30 Uhr Stammtisch United - Zukunft des gemeinsamen Stammtisch / Organisation?
12.00 Mittagspause
13.00 BoF Session (Kleingruppen). Bring your laptop!
15.45 Diskussion der Ergebnisse auf BOF-Session
16.30 Ende der Veranstaltung

Please register on openfoam-extend or Xing AND do not forget to indicate your preferences on Doodle.

Best Regards,


henrik August 8, 2011 05:51

OpenFOAM Stammtisch Mitte (Braunschweig, 12.8)
Dear All,

here is a short update ...


10.00 Begrüßung
10:15 OpenFOAM in der Cloud (Moritz von Petersdorff-
10:30 6. OpenFOAM Workshop - Versuch einer
Zusammenfassung (Henrik Rusche, Wikki)
11:15 OpenFOAM @ Semcon (Ulf Bunge, Semcon)
11:45 CO2 Ejektorsimulationen mit OpenFOAM (Christian
Lucas, IfT)
12:30 frei für Deine Präsentation
13:15 Mittagessen
14:00 Bof Sessions
17:00 Plenum und Diskussion
18:00 Abendessen

Further information:


- If you want to attend the meeting please log in and register for this
event on or via eMail to Christian Lucas (point your browser to the link above). There is no attendance fee.
- Please fill in the Poll for the BoF session
- If you would like to give a presentation, please contact Christian
Lucas (point your browser to the link above)


Institut für Thermodynamik
Hans-Sommer-Straße 5
38106 Braunschweig



kathrin_kissling September 6, 2011 05:48

10th OpenFOAM Stammtisch (Southern Germany) in Darmstadt
Dear Southbound FOAMers,

the 10th OpenFOAM® user group meeting (Stammtisch) in Southern Germany will take place at the Center of Smart Interfaces, Technical University of Darmstadt on

Monday, October 10th, 2011 at 10:00 a.m.

Please register at the OpenFOAM-Extend Community Portal at or write an E-Mail to ideally before 03.10.2011.

The OpenFOAM® Stammtisch is intended as an informal user meeting for FOAMers in Southern Germany.

If you would like to give a presentation, please send an E-Mail to before 29.09.2011.

In order to determine the general interests for the BoF-groups of the afternoon sessions please take part in the Doodle-Survey:

Don't forget your notebooks for the BoF-sessions.

Please also specify if you want to join the Get-together in the evening.

Agenda and room details for the meeting will be provided soon. If you have any further questions or suggestions please write an E-Mail to

We are looking forward to seeing you at the 9th OpenFOAM® Stammtisch
(Southern Germany) in Darmstadt.

Best regards,
Kathrin Kissling

henrik November 7, 2011 12:52

Dear All,

The OpenFOAM® Stammtisch Mitte is intended as an informal user meeting for FOAMers in Central Germany. The next meeting will at Fachhochschule Potsdam on the 25.11.2011 10.00 h - 17.30 h.

You are welcome to join us!


10:15 - 12:00 Technical Session
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch Break
13:00 - 13:15 Groupforming
13:30 - 15:00 BoF Session
15:00 - 15:15 Coffee Break
15:15 - 17:00 BoF Session
17:00 - 17:30 Discussion and Closing remarks
18:00 - Get Together

Registration and Organisation:

Meeting Place:

Standort Campus Pappelallee
Haus 1
Pappelallee 8-9
14469 Potsdam

henrik March 2, 2012 04:16

Dear Southbound FOAMers,

the 11th OpenFOAM® user group meeting (Stammtisch) in Southern Germany will take place at the Universität der Bundeswehr München on

April 20th 2012, starting at 10:00am

The OpenFOAM® Stammtisch is intended as an informal user meeting for FOAMers in Southern Germany.

The agenda for the meeting will be provided soon. If you would like to give a presentation, please send an E-Mail to roman.keppeler[at]

Please register at the OpenFOAM-Extend Community Portal. In order to determine the general interests for the BoF-groups of the afternoon sessions please take part in the Doodle-Survey:

Please also specify if you want to join the Get-together in the evening.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the 11th OpenFOAM® Stammtisch
(Southern Germany) in München. Don't forget your notebooks for the BoF-sessions.

Best regards,

Henrik Rusche & Roman Keppeler

henrik November 15, 2012 15:41

Stammtisch Central Germany
Dear Central Germany FOAMers,

the next OpenFOAM® user group meeting (Stammtisch) in Central Germany will take place at the TU Clausthal on

December 19th 2012, starting at 10:00am

The OpenFOAM® Stammtisch is intended as an informal user meeting for FOAMers in Central Germany.

The agenda for the meeting will be provided soon. If you would like to give a presentation, please send an E-Mail to henrik.rusche[at]

Please register at the OpenFOAM-Extend Community Portal. In order to determine the general interests for the BoF-groups of the afternoon sessions please take part in the Doodle-Survey:

Please also specify if you want to join the Get-together in the evening.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the 11th OpenFOAM® Stammtisch
(Central Germany) in Clausthal. Don't forget your notebooks for the BoF-sessions.

Best regards,

Henrik Rusche

henrik July 1, 2013 05:54

Dear Central Germany FOAMers,

the next OpenFOAM® user group meeting (Stammtisch) in Central Germany will take place at the Leichtweiß-Institut of TU Braunschweig on

August 8th 2013, starting at 10:00am

The OpenFOAM® Stammtisch is intended as an informal user meeting for FOAMers in Central Germany.

The agenda for the meeting will be provided soon. If you would like to give a presentation, please send an E-Mail to henrik.rusche[at]

Please register at the OpenFOAM-Extend Community Portal.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the 12th OpenFOAM® Stammtisch
(Central Germany) in Clausthal. Don't forget your notebooks for the BoF-sessions.

Best regards,

Henrik Rusche

henrik January 6, 2014 13:02

Dear German FOAMers,

the next OpenFOAM® user group meetings (Stammtische) Germany will take place at the

Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum on 14.02.2014 (Central Germany)


TU Kaiserslautern on 17.02.2014 (Southern Germany)

The OpenFOAM® Stammtisch events are intended as a informal user meetings for FOAMers in Germany.

The agenda for the meeting will be provided soon. If you would like to give a presentation, please send an E-Mail to henrik.rusche[at]

Please register at the OpenFOAM-Extend Community Portal via the links provided above. Also do not forget your notebooks for the BoF-sessions.

Best regards,

Henrik Rusche

henrik May 19, 2014 12:28

4th OpenFOAM Stammtisch United, 26-27.5.2014, Göttingen, Germany
Dear German FOAMers,

the 4th OpenFOAM Stammtisch United is scheduled for 26-27.5.2014 in Göttingen, Germany.

- Automated CAD-free shape optimisation with an adjoint solver in OpenFOAM (T. Köthe, J. Jakubek, DLR)
- Implementation and Testing of Immersed Boundary and Overset Grid Methods (H. Jasak, Universität Zagreb - FSB , WIKKI Ltd.)
- Large Eddy Simulation of the flow in the Climate Control System of a Car (M. Konstantinov, A. Shishkin, M. Hartmann, R. Deiterding, DLR)
- Increasing the Speed of Model Helicopters: a Project Overview (F. Schikarski)

The detailed program containing all information has been published on If you would like to present your work, please let us know! It is free - no attendance fee, your consumption at the evening and lunch is not included.

Entry to DLR requires identification at the entrance. It is therefore essential that you register by 24.5. either on the portal, doodle or via eMail. In case you do not hold a German passport, please let us know your nationality via eMail. Please do not forget your passport or national identity card! For further in information please have look on

Best regards,

Henrik Rusche

henrik August 11, 2014 09:23

Dear German FOAMers,

the next OpenFOAM Stammtische (Mitte and Süd) are scheduled as follows:
For further in information please follow the respective link to

Best regards,

Henrik Rusche

All times are GMT -4. The time now is 09:16.