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arieljeds August 5, 2015 04:15

ParaView Plotting: Why are some Filters in the Alphabetical list greyed out?
Hi there,

Have to start this post again saying I am brand brand new to OpenFOAM (3 days in!) and I am trying to follow some basic tutorials but am having some issues with ParaView that I don't understand.

First of all, when trying to plot another day, the tutorial instructed using "Plot Over Line" (for Couette flow problem), and it worked fine. However, now I'm trying to do the same again as well as follow instructions for another tutorial and now either one of two things happens:

1) "Plot over line" option is not even available on the list


2) "Plot over line" is greyed out and not a possible option.

I can't find any explanation for this as it seems that this filter option is the most basic and all tutorials say to use it (although do not give advice if the option is not available).

I think this might have something to do with the installation but I'm not sure how? I follow the instructions at this link: for Ubuntu 12.04 to install OpenFOAM and ParaView.

Thanks in advance for any advice!

wyldckat August 10, 2015 09:21

Quick answer: When filters are greyed out, usually means that they cannot be applied to the currently select item on the "Pipeline Browser". My guess is that you either did not have a valid item selected or simply no item was selected.

Some reading material:

lxwd May 18, 2016 15:24

Hi Ariel,

Did you figure out how to solve this problem? I am not struggling in the same problem as yours. The ''Plot over Line'' command is either not available in the list or is greyed out after I successfully used it once.

Best Regards,

Kudzey August 23, 2017 13:30

Hi everyone,
if they are greyed means they can't be applied to the case.
For me it was enough to click on the case (split the window in two and click on the one under process).

hope it helps :)
have a nice day

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