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qtian July 20, 2007 11:52

Parafoam basic questions
Dear folks,

I'm really a newbie to openfoam and parafoam. At the moment, I have the results from openfoam and am so exciting and trying to do postprocessing with parafoam now. My test case is flow over a bump on a flat plate. I had a few questions to ask about the parafoam.

1. In parafoam, can I interpolate the results from a curve instead of straight line or points and output to a file?

2. In parafoam, can I interpolate the results from a curvature plane instead of flat plane? What I mean curvature plane is that I had coordinates of points on that plane not plane functions

3. In parafoam, I have successfuly defined the cut flat plane. My question is how can I output the data on that to a file so that I may will use it later for other softwares.

3. In parafoam,how can I change the background color?

All answers, even if you answer only one of my questions, are greatly appreciated. I can not wait to see how my results look like. Have a great weekend.

Kind regards


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