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lasb August 14, 2007 04:46

Hi, Does anybody know where

Does anybody know where to look up sutherlandTransport coefficients (A_s and T_s)?

I need them for hydrogen (H2), but it would be nice to know where there's a table to look at?


isabelle August 15, 2007 04:53

Hi, Just to agree with the

Just to agree with the notations: Sutherland's law with two or three coefficients can write:

mu = C1 T^(3/2) / (T+C2)
mu = mu_0 ( T / T_0)^(3/2) (T_0+S) / (T+S)

mu is the viscosity (in kg/m-s)
T is the temperature (in K)
C1 and C2 are the coefficients
mu_0 is a reference value (in kg/m-s)
T_0 is a reference temperature (in K)
S is an effective temperature calso called Sutherland constant (in K)

For hydrogen (H2)

C1 = 8.411 e-6
C2 = 273.11

mu_0 = 8.411 e-6 kg/(m.s)
T_0= 273.11 K
S = 96.67 K

Values for the coefficients can be found in:

Saxena, S.C., 'Viscosity of Multicomponent Mixtures of Gases,' Proceed-
ings of the Sixth Svmposirun on Thermophvsical Properties, Liley, P.E,
ed., American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1973, pp. 100-110.

Touloukian, Y.S., Liley P.E and Saxena, S.C., 'Thermal Conductivitv.
Nonmetallic Liauids and Gases,' Thermophysical Properties of Matter, The TPBC Data Series, Vol. 3, IFI/Plenum Data Corporation, New Pork, 1970a.

More recent references probably exist too.

lasb August 15, 2007 06:47

Thank you
Thank you

megacrout July 5, 2011 09:55

There is obviously a mistake in isabelle´s answer. Just by looking at the two equations she gave (which are, by the way, correct), one can easily see that the 2-parameter equation is nothing but a simplification of the 3-parameter equation, where C1 contains all constants and C2 equals S.

However, C1 and C2 are usually given non-dimensional values. So, C2 = S / (1K) = 96.67 and C1 = mu_0 (T_0)^(-3/2) (T_0+S) / (1 kg/m.s.K^(1/2)), i.e. C1 = 6.89e-7 using isabelle´s values.

This agrees pretty well with the values one can find in "Zahlenwerte & Funktionen" of Landolt and Börnstein, IV. Band - 1.Teil (1925?):
C1 = 6.71e-7 (when non-dimensionalized from SI units) and C2 = 83.

The values of mu_0, T_0 and S isabelle gave are correct though. She simply did not copy/compute the right values for C1 and C2.

Rophys September 30, 2011 11:19

Hello All

Somebody have this references that Isabelle posted here ? (pdf. version)

Saxena, S.C., 'Viscosity of Multicomponent Mixtures of Gases,' Proceed-
ings of the Sixth Svmposirun on Thermophvsical Properties, Liley, P.E,
ed., American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1973, pp. 100-110.

Touloukian, Y.S., Liley P.E and Saxena, S.C., 'Thermal Conductivitv.
Nonmetallic Liauids and Gases,' Thermophysical Properties of Matter, The TPBC Data Series, Vol. 3, IFI/Plenum Data Corporation, New Pork, 1970a.

Could you send me by email ?
Many thanks !

raysark March 25, 2013 13:02

Dear Rophys,

Did you manage to find these references, because I can't.

Thank You

sunjg13 April 17, 2017 04:21


Originally Posted by isabelle (Post 207443)

Just to agree with the notations: Sutherland's law with two or three coefficients can write:

mu = C1 T^(3/2) / (T+C2)
mu = mu_0 ( T / T_0)^(3/2) (T_0+S) / (T+S)

mu is the viscosity (in kg/m-s)
T is the temperature (in K)
C1 and C2 are the coefficients
mu_0 is a reference value (in kg/m-s)
T_0 is a reference temperature (in K)
S is an effective temperature calso called Sutherland constant (in K)

For hydrogen (H2)

C1 = 8.411 e-6
C2 = 273.11

mu_0 = 8.411 e-6 kg/(m.s)
T_0= 273.11 K
S = 96.67 K

Values for the coefficients can be found in:

Saxena, S.C., 'Viscosity of Multicomponent Mixtures of Gases,' Proceed-
ings of the Sixth Svmposirun on Thermophvsical Properties, Liley, P.E,
ed., American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1973, pp. 100-110.

Touloukian, Y.S., Liley P.E and Saxena, S.C., 'Thermal Conductivitv.
Nonmetallic Liauids and Gases,' Thermophysical Properties of Matter, The TPBC Data Series, Vol. 3, IFI/Plenum Data Corporation, New Pork, 1970a.

More recent references probably exist too.

Excuse me. how can I get sutherlandTransport coefficients of any other species?For example, OH, CH?

jcw April 15, 2019 08:56

Conversion Sutherland law from 3 to 2 coefficents


also see here:

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