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Scot March 24, 2011 15:13

What are the 21 numbers in reactingFoam/constant/thermo.compressibleGas?
The reactingFoam tutorial is about combustion of methane, so in constant/thermo.compressibleGas is the list of reactants and products. Each one, such as O2, has 21 numbers associated with it. The second number is molecular weight, but what are the 20 others? I sure wish the user's guide had more. Thank you, very much indeed, for any help you can provide! Scot

novyno March 26, 2011 14:11

Hi Scot,

let me take the O2 like an example:

O2 O2 1 31.9988
200 5000 1000
3.69758 0.00061352 -1.25884e-07 1.77528e-11 -1.13644e-15 -1233.93 3.18917
3.21294 0.00112749 -5.75615e-07 1.31388e-09 -8.76855e-13 -1005.25 6.03474
1.67212e-06 170.672

2° number -> molar weight (31.9988)

3° - 5° numbers -> temperature ranges where the interpolations are valid (min T = 200 K, max T = 5000 K, "middle" T = 1000 K. So we have two ranges: from 200 K to 1000 K and from 1000 K to 5000 K)

6° - 12° numbers -> seven coefficients for Janaff interpolation (cp, h, S) for the first temperature range (3.69758 0.00061352 -1.25884e-07 1.77528e-11 -1.13644e-15 -1233.93 3.18917)

12° - 19° numbers -> seven coefficients for Janaff interpolation (cp, h, S) for the second temperature range (3.21294 0.00112749 -5.75615e-07 1.31388e-09 -8.76855e-13 -1005.25 6.03474)

20° - 21° numbers -> coefficients for Sutherland interpolation for viscosity (1.67212e-06 170.672)



Scot April 4, 2011 09:43

Thank you, Valerio!

ziemowitzima April 4, 2014 08:47

coeff for Argon ?
Dear Foamers,
Do you now any place I could find these values for Argon ?
temperature range 87 - 400K ?

RTom April 4, 2014 12:28

Hi ziemowitzima
In the following links you can find some tables of Argon:

If you want to know about the liquid phase check:
There you can find properties of nitrogen, carbon, dioxide, argon, hydrogen and oxygen. Between those properties: Density & temperature calculation of the liquid phase, based on the pressure.


ziemowitzima April 5, 2014 05:59

Thank you !

wmrlak October 1, 2014 09:27

get the thermo data
Does anybody know how to retrieve the data in thermo.CompressibleGas from code? Reactingfoam code defines this object:

psiReactionThermo& thermo = reaction->thermo();
as well as:

basicMultiComponentMixture& composition = thermo.composition();
Both of them have valuable information butI cannot see how to get these values from these objects. One way could be to read the whole dictionary but this is not the most efficient way.

Any ideas?

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