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T.Matrix October 6, 2012 04:44

how to observe the wave surface?
There is a new solver potentialFreeSurfaceFoam in OpenFOAM2.10. For simulation of some free surface flows, it also shows a 2D example of wave generation in "oscillatingBox". Following is the wave surface come from website:

However, when I finished this case, there are three fields, including p,p_rgh and U, displayed in my post-processing. Therefore, what should I do if I want to observe the wave surface.

Thank you.

kev4573 October 9, 2012 12:35

At t=0, there is no zeta field present so try skipping to t>0 and look at the available variables.


T.Matrix October 14, 2012 00:19

Thanks. We can observe the available variables varying with time step. However, there are three variables including p,p_rgh and U, but no zeta field. Can you tell me how to add zeta field in the paraView?

kev4573 October 14, 2012 14:29

If you are viewing the VTK files, you might have to open the boundary file 'VTK\freeSurface\*.vtk' to actually look at the zeta field.

If you are using the openfoam plugin, you need to add the zeta field to loaded sets. Enable 'skip zero time', and you should see it show up as an available set to load, enable it (and the freeSurface boundary data) and now you should be able to view the free surface contours.

If none of that works, make sure the zeta field itself is being written by the openfoam solver. Look in the solved time directories and you should see the 'zeta' file there.

T.Matrix October 15, 2012 02:40

Thank you.

It is Ok now.

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