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cuba November 21, 2013 05:41

::: Constant mesh motion ?
Hi everyone,

I have a mesh motion problem in my code. Simply, I want to move all points in my domain (except points at outlet) with the same velocity in x-direction defined at inlet. I want to preserve the initial cell sizes (except the cells neighbouring outlet patch) that I give at start.

Is it possible to achieve this with laplaceFaceDecomposition with just adjusting the diffusivity function? as the current code is based on this for now and it also works in parallel.

Any comments are very much appreciated.

A very simple drawing would be as given below :)
o: outlet vertice
i: inlet vertice
|: internal vertices

o______|__|__|__|__i t=0
o_____|__|__|__|__i t=1
o___|__|__|__|__i t=2
o____|__|__|__|__i t=3

cuba November 26, 2013 10:19

any help regarding the above question would be very much appreciated.

let me also put the above given question in the following way that

how can I map the "motionU" computed for the inlet to the rest of the domain except the outlet, so that all the points in the domain move with the same velocity except again the outlet? any examples/ideas? ...i.e. just replacing the "motionEqn" given in "laplaceFaceDecomposition" solver with something that would the trick or anything else?

in the meantime what is the meaning of "tetPointVectorField" ?

for example I have a domain 12x10x10=1200 cells (x-y-z, z is vertical) overall, 100 cells at the inlet. Then I would have have (10+1)^2=121 points at the inlet patch and (12+1)*(10+1)^2=1573 points in total, but when I check motionU file, in the internal field I have 6713 data points and at the inlet 216 data points? what do we mean by tetPointVectorField so that I have more data points than the actual total number of points?


jhoepken November 26, 2013 11:11

If you would like to move all points similarly, have a look at solidBodyMotionFvMesh and the corresponding solidBodyMotionFunctions.


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