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Andy_bm November 24, 2011 11:13

Parallel rerun in cluster
Dear Foamers.
I have same problem with rerun my case after cluster turn off and again turn on.For example, in first day I put my case in queue calculation, I use the following script:

#PBS -l walltime=24:00:00,nodes=4:ppn=8
cd ~/OpenFOAM/Andrey-2.0.1/run/SWkw
mpirun -np 32 -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE rhoCentralFoam -parallel | tee -a log.std

In the end of the working day cluster turn off. On the next day cluster turn on, but my case don't calculation in cluster.There are two variants:
1) Case is in queue but don't calculation.Use time in qstat = constant 00:00:00.
2) Case is not in queue, and in working directory I have file .e , .o created at the moment of switching-off cluster.

in controlDict starttime set to latestTime.

What probably to make,after cluster turn on,that openfoam continued to calculation?


akidess November 25, 2011 02:40

Do you have superuser rights on the cluster?

Andy_bm November 25, 2011 13:38

No, I have not root rights,but I can say superuser on this cluster that it is possible to make.

akidess November 27, 2011 06:27

First, you should ask the administrator to not turn off the cluster so that your jobs can finish over night. If that's absolutely not possible, you'll have to ask him to set up an init.d script to restart your jobs on reboot.

Andy_bm November 27, 2011 07:16

Unfortunately,not turn off the cluster is impossible.
Could you tell as to adjust this init.d script?

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