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mturcios777 April 12, 2013 12:12

You can plot the logSummary file using gnuPlot.

Sunxing May 14, 2013 10:13


Originally Posted by conceptone (Post 406185)
Hi Marco,
Thanks for suggestion. Actually I have tried reactingFoam to check the chemical and combustion part. While I always get messages like below after a period of time(0.0007s):
[0] Maximum number of iterations exceeded
[0] From function specieThermo<Thermo>::T(scalar f, scalar T0, scalar (specieThermo<Thermo>::*F)(const scalar) const, scalar (specieThermo<Thermo>::*dFdT)(const scalar) const) const
[0] in file /usr/apps1/openfoam-2.1.1/OpenFOAM-2.1.1/src/thermophysicalModels/specie/lnInclude/specieThermoI.H at line 69.
FOAM parallel run aborting

so I use tutorial case's mechanism and therm.dat...I don't know what's the problem here(even tutorial case can't run..)

I guess I can try to change the function T in speciethermoI.H like in openfoam-ext-1.6 to avoid computing ending..
if (iter++ > maxIter_)
// Improvements: graceful exit with recovery. HJ, 11/Oct/2010
"specieThermo<thermo>::T(scalar f, scalar T0, "
"scalar (specieThermo<thermo>::*F)(const scalar) const, "
"scalar (specieThermo<thermo>::*dFdT)(const scalar) const"
") const"
) << "Maximum number of iterations exceeded. Rescue by HJ"
<< endl;

// Use value where dFdT is calculated using T0. HJ, 11/Oct/2010
Tnew = f/(this->*dFdT)(T0);

return Tnew;

} while (mag(Tnew - Test) > Ttol);

Hi conceptone,

I have met the same problem as you posted, have you solved it? please let me know.


apoorv121 October 17, 2013 02:52

try reducing deltaT

zdz0309 January 4, 2023 21:56

Hi Marcos, can you help me with this issue? I had exactly the same issues when I run engine simulation with layer addition.


Originally Posted by mturcios777 (Post 352014)
So after my post on getting certain engine functionality from 1.6-dext into 2.1.x (layer addition/removal), I was finally able to compile the ext engine library (with engineTopoChangerMesh, layerAR/layerARGambit and some other capabilities) and get it work with 2.1.x (there were changes with the underlying mesh topology changer interface).

I've been running on the included kivaTest tutorial and a simple cylindrical piston mesh, and have been running into problems with the pressure on the expansion side. I've turned off combustion so that we're only looking at the compression and expansion of the gas. I'm posting a comparison of the volume averaged pressure, temperature and u' that are written to the logFile by engineFoam. The discontinuities occur at layer addition/removal for both cases, but in 2.1.x we see severe unphysical ones).

The 2.1.x version of the solver uses PIMPLE while 1.6-ext uses PISO, but all the fvSchemes are identical and fvSolution are comparable. The layer controls are identical. I haven't worked much with meshes with topological changes; I did a test with the movingCone topoChangerFvMesh (which is incompressible) as icoDyMFoam and saw similar pressure fluctuations in 2.1.x but wasn't sure what to make of them. Comparing the solvers from 1.6-ext and 2.1.x, it appears that I should be doing some flux correction, but I'm not exactly sure how I should do that. Any suggestions to deal with this would be most welcome.

Thanks in advance

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