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srinath October 12, 2008 11:06

Hello Is it possible to use

Is it possible to use openFoam to solve point implicit schemes?

I want to solve
A_i*U_i = B_i, over all cells.
A_i is a 6*6 matrix.
The coupling between the cells is brought about by the way B_i is computed.
Is it possible to solve this on openFoam?


hjasak October 12, 2008 13:14

Hello Srinath, Yes: make a
Hello Srinath,

Yes: make a loop through all cells, in each cell make a 6x6 dense matrix and invert locally.

There are other ways as well, but this is easiest for the moment.



srinath October 13, 2008 00:50

Hello Hrvoje I need to make
Hello Hrvoje

I need to make a 5*5 matrix(not 6*6 sorry for the typo)
The entries will be functions of u,v,p etc.

So do you suggest i just define a new class, for any general square matrix, and write my own Gauss Siedel routine?
I think the volTensorField is restricted to a sz of 3*3


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