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bucsfan221 October 13, 2011 01:01

initial Conditions as Point Forces
Hello! I am trying to model point forces in a box of fluid (i.e. set 6 points or nodal points to specific force values) but I haven't been able to figure out how to do this, as initial or boundary values. Is this possible to do?


nimasam October 13, 2011 14:53

you should be more specific , which solver?, whats the nature of forces? , is it just in time zero or it should be fulfill in the whole time? and where you want to apply the force (internal Fields or Boundary condition)?

your post is completely general!

bucsfan221 October 13, 2011 15:08

So in terms of what I am trying to do, I am trying to simulate a box of fluid with internal point forces (I'm not really interested in time-dependent conditions on the domain's boundary). At the moment I am trying to use icoFoam to do this (I'm new to openFoam, and the cavity tutorial seemed like the easiest way to go about this).

I would like to specify these forces as an internal field, but at points (0,0,1), (0,0,-1), (1,0,0),(-1,0,0), (0,1,0), and (0,-1,0) at time t=0. Then, I would like to change these locations with each deltaT and compute the new flow-field.

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