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Noel September 12, 2008 11:11

Dfconsol.lib or Ifconsol.lib for linking earexe ?
Dear all,

I try to Build Earth, but it fails with error in the linking process. The message given in the builtear file (I attach the content of Bldear.BAT below) is :

"LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file "ifconsol.lib".

In the Lib directory of my Visual Fortran compiler, I found Dfconsol.lib, but there is no ifconsol.lib.
Is this where the error originates ? If yes, then how can I change the setting of linking process so that it calls Dfconsol.lib instead of ifconsol.lib ?



================================================== ======
rem <html><head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/phoenics/d_polis/polstyle.css"></head>
@echo off
rem bldear.bat creates a local Digital Fortran earexe.exe
rem starting with a local main.htm or main.for
rem and/or a local ground.htm or ground.for
rem it makes a 2-level back-up of already-existing executables

rem ********* obtain and compile MAIN ************
if defined phoenics (set pho=%phoenics%) else set pho=\phoenics
if exist main.htm goto aa
if exist main.for goto bb

copy "%pho%\d_earth\main.htm" main.for
goto bb

copy main.htm main.for > nul

call compile main.for
rem ********* obtain and compile GROUND ************
if exist ground.htm goto ee
if exist ground.for goto ff

rem otherwise get the version provided by CHAM
copy "%pho%\d_earth\ground.htm" ground.for > nul
goto ff

call copy ground.htm ground.for

call compile ground.for

if exist gentra.for goto gg
if exist gentra.htm copy gentra.htm gentra.for > nul
if exist gentra.for call compile gentra.for

echo linking earexe
rem core
echo. > earexe
echo main.obj >> earexe
echo ground.obj >> earexe
if exist gentra.obj echo gentra.obj >> earexe
if not exist cospmain.obj echo "%pho%\d_earth\d_windf\cospmain.obj" >>earexe
if exist cospmain.obj echo cospmain.obj >> earexe
echo "%pho%\d_allpro\d_libs\d_windf\m_*.obj" >> earexe
echo "%pho%\d_earth\d_windf\d_corobj\*.obj" >> earexe
echo "%pho%\d_earth\d_windf\d_corobj\*.lib" >> earexe
rem goto noopt
rem options
echo "%pho%\d_earth\d_windf\d_optobj\*.lib" >> earexe
rem goto nospec
rem specials
echo "%pho%\d_earth\d_windf\d_speobj\*.lib" >> earexe
rem goto nochemkin
rem chemkin
echo "%pho%\d_earth\d_windf\d_cmkobj\*.lib" >> earexe
rem libraries
echo "%pho%\d_earth\d_windf\d_parobj\parlib.lib" >> earexe
echo "%pho%\d_allpro\d_libs\d_windf\esalib.lib" >> earexe
echo "%pho%\d_allpro\d_libs\d_windf\gralib.lib" >> earexe
echo "%pho%\d_allpro\d_libs\d_windf\syslib.lib" >> earexe
echo "%pho%\d_allpro\d_libs\d_windf\phodum.obj" >> earexe
echo "%pho%\d_allpro\d_libs\d_windf\msw*.obj" >> earexe
echo "%pho%\d_allpro\d_libs\d_windf\mph*.obj" >> earexe
echo "%pho%\d_allpro\d_libs\d_windf\pollib.lib" >> earexe
echo "%pho%\d_allpro\d_libs\d_windf\mpi\mpich.lib" >> earexe
echo "%pho%\d_allpro\d_libs\d_windf\sentpro\sentpro.lib " >> earexe
echo "%pho%\d_allpro\d_libs\d_windf\sentpro\spdf90. obj" >> earexe
echo "%pho%\d_allpro\d_libs\d_windf\flexlm\lm_new.o bj" >> earexe
echo "%pho%\d_allpro\d_libs\d_windf\flexlm\lmgr.lib " >> earexe
echo /defaultlib:user32.lib gdi32.lib winmm.lib advapi32.lib >> earexe
echo version.lib wininet.lib netapi32.lib kernel32.lib >> earexe
echo comctl32.lib comdlg32.lib dformt.lib libcmt.lib >> earexe
echo /nodefaultlib:libc.lib dfor.lib msvcrt.lib libcd.lib >> earexe
echo /out:temp.exe /largeaddressaware >> earexe
link @earexe >builtear
del earexe
copy temp.exe earexe.exe
del temp.exe
if exist main.htm del main.for
if exist main.obj del main.obj
if exist ground.htm del ground.for
if exist ground.obj del ground.obj
if exist gentra.htm del gentra.for
if exist gentra.obj del gentra.obj

Allen Badeau September 16, 2008 12:13

Re: Dfconsol.lib or Ifconsol.lib for linking earex
Dear Noel, Can you tell me which version of PHOENICS you have?

Best Wishes, Allen

-- ACS Consulting Dr. Allen E. Badeau Jr. 2023 Ices Ferry Dr. Morgantown, WV 26508 304-685-2310

ACS Consulting is the US representative for CHAM's CFD Software package PHOENICS...performing CFD better, faster, and cheaper!

Noel September 16, 2008 12:24

Re: Dfconsol.lib or Ifconsol.lib for linking earex
Thank's for the reply, Alan

My version is Phoenics 2006 while the Fortran compiler is Compaq Visual Fortran Standard 6.6.0, which is a DIGITAL (not Intel) Visual Fortran.



Allen Badeau September 16, 2008 12:34

Re: Dfconsol.lib or Ifconsol.lib for linking earex
Hi Noel, That is part of the problem. With the release of Phoenics 2006, CHAM stopped support for the Compaq Visual Fortran compiler and would only support the Intel version. If you switch over to the Intel version, that should eliminate the problem. Also, if you are a graduate student, you should be able to download it for free.

Best Wishes, Allen

-- ACS Consulting Dr. Allen E. Badeau Jr. 2023 Ices Ferry Dr. Morgantown, WV 26508 304-685-2310

ACS Consulting is the US representative for CHAM's CFD Software package PHOENICS...performing CFD better, faster, and cheaper!

Noel September 17, 2008 13:41

Re: Dfconsol.lib or Ifconsol.lib for linking earex
Thank's, Allen

So the problem is the Fortran version and I must use the Intel one. It's not free to download for graduate student, though. I only tried the evaluation license (free for 30 days) of the Intel® Visual Fortran Compiler 10.1, yet there seems to be another problem when it runs compile.bat.

The error message points at the modul F_Array_Data in Phoenics 2006 which is incompatible with Intel® Visual Fortran Compiler 10.1. Should I use an older version of Intel Compiler ?



Jimmy Cheng October 15, 2008 09:50

Re: Dfconsol.lib or Ifconsol.lib for linking earex
Providing the full path of the lib directory to the "Additional Linrary Directories" solved my problem.

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