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enp11 December 29, 2015 14:14

Star CCM+ and Rescale?

I am new to this forum entirely as a student but am running into issues with running simulations on Star on Rescale, a cloud computing platform, and was wondering if anyone here had any experience with running on their servers.

The issue being that I have only experienced Star CCM+ through its GUI and never had any experience of using command lines. How Rescale is set up is to put in an input file, which for me would be a basic simulation that is set up already and is meshed, therefore needing to simply be run. However, Rescale requires a command line. The pre given command line looks like:

starccm+ -power -batch <batch-script> -load <input-file>

where input file is the name of the file of my simulation, and batch script is the java file for the macro, I assume. All I require Rescale to do is simply Run the simulation, and a stopping criteria is already set so that it would not run indefinitely. I am unaware of what java script I would require to just run the simulation on Rescale's platform however. I've attempted to set up a macro where I simply hit the run button and have tried inputting it into the command line, but the job, or the simulation, finishes itself within 12 seconds but hasn't actually ran the simulation.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

me3840 December 29, 2015 14:27

If you're using a more recent version of STAR-CCM+, you can just say:

starccm+ -power -batch run simfile.sim

enp11 December 29, 2015 17:55

Thank you for the quick reply. This worked out for me with a little bit of tweaking.

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