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[ICEM] Generating mesh for modified parts in ICEM without changing mesh of other parts

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Old   September 26, 2012, 05:30
Default Generating mesh for modified parts in ICEM without changing mesh of other parts
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a.habibi is on a distinguished road
Dear Friends,

As a person who is new in CFX and ICEM, I am wondering how can I generate mesh for modified parts in ICEM without changing mesh of other parts?
Indeed, I am working on heat transfer modelling of a room that has already been meshed with ICEM and solved by CFX setup by another person. What I am want to do is to modify the room by adding some walls and just producing mesh for those walls and re-solve the problem by the aid of available mesh and defined boundary condition in CFX setup.
I created those walls and mesh them (QUAD_4) without changing available mesh of geometry with difficulties (I did not find any specific tutorials in this regard). But, when I import ICEM into the CFX setup, I can not see those walls! Now, I am confused where is problem
1- Is it about the way that I mesh those walls? (ICEM shows that they are meshed with QUAD_4) ---> I am more suspicious about this since I did not find any specific tutorials in this regard and mesh those walls with difficulties.
2- Whether problem is in importing ICEM to CFX setup?
3- Or, this is not the way to mesh just those walls, and I should do something else.

Please guide me, I am totally confused.
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Old   September 26, 2012, 05:52
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Originally Posted by a.habibi View Post
Dear Friends,

As a person who is new in CFX and ICEM, I am wondering how can I generate mesh for modified parts in ICEM without changing mesh of other parts?
Indeed, I am working on heat transfer modelling of a room that has already been meshed with ICEM and solved by CFX setup by another person. What I am want to do is to modify the room by adding some walls and just producing mesh for those walls and re-solve the problem by the aid of available mesh and defined boundary condition in CFX setup.
I created those walls and mesh them (QUAD_4) without changing available mesh of geometry with difficulties (I did not find any specific tutorials in this regard). But, when I import ICEM into the CFX setup, I can not see those walls! Now, I am confused where is problem
1- Is it about the way that I mesh those walls? (ICEM shows that they are meshed with QUAD_4) ---> I am more suspicious about this since I did not find any specific tutorials in this regard and mesh those walls with difficulties.
2- Whether problem is in importing ICEM to CFX setup?
3- Or, this is not the way to mesh just those walls, and I should do something else.

Please guide me, I am totally confused.

what kind of mesh does already exist?! hexa?

there are many several ways to do:

In my opinion, the easiest way to do is to modify your cad-geometry, load your existing blocking and do some additional splits around the new walls.

some more details or pics would really help
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Old   September 28, 2012, 12:21
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Christoph is right about hexa... Just load the new geometry with the old blocking file and make the splits and associations that you need to the blocking file... Assuming your walls are just zero thickness baffles, you will need to split and then associate the new face to the surface... If they have thickness, you will need to split and then delete the block within the wall (or put it into a wall material).

If you have a tetra mesh, you can mesh with quad or tri, import the mesh and then use "make consistent" to get the volume tetras to align and become conformal with the new surfaces...

However, if you have a tetra prism mesh, you will find that it is easier to add the geometry and then just push the button to remesh it...

All of this is easier if you can get the ICEM CFD files from your colleague, but you can extract the geometry and blocking from a mesh file if you need to.
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Old   October 1, 2012, 10:10
Default Icem cfd
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Dear friends,
i am new to ICEM cfd i have my cad Diagram in IGES format, i want to do external analysis, i create outer domain and i want to subtract my cad model,with outer domain, how i can do this? please help me
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Old   October 1, 2012, 11:17
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In ICEM CFD, you don't need to do any subtraction or anything like that. It is a surface based modeler. Just mesh it.

If you don't want mesh inside your model, create a material point between the geometry and the enclosure...

Try a tutorial or two.
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Old   October 4, 2012, 06:10
Default ICEM CFD doubt
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thanks Simon, sorry for late , i have cube enclosed by bigger cube, i want to subtract from bigger cube to smaller cube, then i want to make tet mesh externally, how i can do this in ICEM CFD, i don't want mesh inside cube, i want mesh only subtracted area of bigger volume, i don't want to use blocking concept, i want only tet mesh please help me
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Last edited by mrk; October 4, 2012 at 06:14. Reason: nothing
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