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srobin11 July 22, 2013 18:24

icem cfd batch mode

I was trying to run icem cfd replay file in batch mode. When I run the replay file in just normal mode( not in batch mode, nomal run in the icem cfd), there is no problem. But, when I try to run in batch mode, it's showing error during the run.

error writing file. \hex.uns:
error opening file.\hex.uns:Permission deniederror opening file.\hex.uns:
Permission denied
while executing

like this.

Is there anyone experience the same error? Or anyone know why it's happening? Thank you,


Jonathan August 7, 2013 09:54

write permissions

i havent had this problem, but from what it looks like, check you are writing to a partition on you HDD for which you have permission ...



Originally Posted by srobin11 (Post 441334)

I was trying to run icem cfd replay file in batch mode. When I run the replay file in just normal mode( not in batch mode, nomal run in the icem cfd), there is no problem. But, when I try to run in batch mode, it's showing error during the run.

error writing file. \hex.uns:
error opening file.\hex.uns:Permission deniederror opening file.\hex.uns:
Permission denied
while executing

like this.

Is there anyone experience the same error? Or anyone know why it's happening? Thank you,


srobin11 August 7, 2013 13:43

Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for reply. I solved the problem. It was due to wrong directory path, put not right directory path in the command. Thanks,


Christian11 December 29, 2013 17:41

icem cfd batch mode
Hi srobin11,

I am facing the same error when I try to run ICEM CFD out of ANSYS Meshing in batch mode.
When choosing "inveractive" in ANSYS Meshing I can run the ICEM script file manually without problems. When choosing "batch" it gives me the same error as you experienced.
You said that you had not put the correct directory path in the command (in the script file?). (I am wondering, because with wrong directory paths it should not run manually either?)
Can you explain, what you have changed (line and action) in your script file to get it work in batch mode?

Thanks for any help.

Christian11 January 6, 2014 12:11

Ok, now it works.
Creating the path, ICEM is requesting, solves the problem.


Originally Posted by Christian11 (Post 468042)
Hi srobin11,

I am facing the same error when I try to run ICEM CFD out of ANSYS Meshing in batch mode.
When choosing "inveractive" in ANSYS Meshing I can run the ICEM script file manually without problems. When choosing "batch" it gives me the same error as you experienced.
You said that you had not put the correct directory path in the command (in the script file?). (I am wondering, because with wrong directory paths it should not run manually either?)
Can you explain, what you have changed (line and action) in your script file to get it work in batch mode?

Thanks for any help.

juzer_700 May 14, 2014 05:08

Help Needed
I am running ICEM CFD on Linux and I am trying to open the replay file via command line terminal. My replay file is in the correct directory as I am able to load it when using GUI.

So I just wrote:

icemcfd geoRepair_juzer.rpl

And I am getting the following error:

couldn't read file "geoRepair_juzer.rpl": no such file or directory
while executing
"source geoRepair_juzer.rpl"
invoked from within
"script_interp eval [list source $file]"
(".rpl" arm line 2)
invoked from within
"switch [file extension $file] {
.prj - .wbpj { aie_openProject $file }
.tin { aie_open_geom 1 [list $file] }
.uns { aie_open_Mesh 1 "" ..."
(procedure "aie_openFile" line 3)
invoked from within
"aie_openFile $f "
(procedure "AIEnvMain" line 432)
invoked from within
(file "/usr/local/ansys_inc/v145/icemcfd/linux64_amd/lib/ai_env/init.tcl" line 1878)
invoked from within
"source [file join $env(ICEM_ACN) lib ai_env init.tcl]"
invoked from within
"if {[info exists env(ICEM_AI_ENVIRONMENT)] == 1} {
if { $env(ICEM_AI_ENVIRONMENT) == 1 } {
if {[info exists env(MED_ROOT)] &&
(file "/usr/local/ansys_inc/v145/icemcfd/linux64_amd/lib/med/med_start.tcl" line 27)
invoked from within
"source $med_root/lib/med/med_start.tcl"
invoked from within
"if [file exists $med_root/lib/med/med_start.tcl] {
source $med_root/lib/med/med_start.tcl
} elseif [file exists $med_root/../med/lib/med/med_start..."


srobin11 May 14, 2014 23:08


so, you typed this, icemcfd geoRepair_juzer.rpl, in the command line?
I am not sure linux gui uses the same command format as windows, but I needed to use type the directory path in window batch command. You should find and use the right batch run command for linux when you run batch mode. You may look that up in the forum.


juzer_700 May 15, 2014 03:53

Hey thanks for the reply. I searched a lot about the command line in Linux to run replay file in ICEM. But no success this now.

What do you mean by using right batch run command?

And which forum are you talking about.

Thanks again for your reply.



Originally Posted by srobin11 (Post 491905)

so, you typed this, icemcfd geoRepair_juzer.rpl, in the command line?
I am not sure linux gui uses the same command format as windows, but I needed to use type the directory path in window batch command. You should find and use the right batch run command for linux when you run batch mode. You may look that up in the forum.


Jonathan May 15, 2014 07:02


to run ICEMCFD in batch mode (i.e. without the gui) and using a replay script at the same time (i.e. automated commands from script file), the command (on linux machines) is:


icemcfd -batch -script name-of-script.rpl
You may need to include the full path to the ICEM binary/executable, if it is not included in your $PATH variable, which on default linux 64-bit installs is something like:


good luck and regards

irfannoble November 23, 2014 06:25

How to run batch file in ICEM CFD in batch mode in windows
I have 50 set of ICEM CFD .rpl format file. I want to run them one by one and save their meshing in specific folder automatically. How to run all set of .rpl in batch mode in windows? Many thanks in advance.

Jonathan November 23, 2014 07:18

Easiest way is to write a windows batch file (xxx.bat) and CD into each directory in the batch file calling Icem and its corresponding replay script to in turn ...

I use Linux mainly so I can't remember the windows bat format off hand , sorry ...

bluebase November 24, 2014 11:50

Hi Mohammad,

another way is to use a small tcl-script. The rpl-file is already writen in tcl. So you would only need to set a few variables for your parameter and paths.
Check the small example. You could save this as a tcl file and excute this script in icem. Don't forget to replace the parameter in your rpl-file. I guess you may need to extend this code a little bit according to your needs.

With regards,


set parameterlist {1.2 2.3 4.5 ...}

foreach designpoint $parameterlist {
  set variable1 $designpoint
  set pathname "wheretosave"


  source yourrplyfile.rpl

sunilkonatham July 31, 2017 12:08

Error accessing icemcfd in linux
Hello Everyone,
I tried to access icemcfd in linux command line using below command:

It displayed following error, can someone please help?

ICEM_ACN is "/apps/Ansys/18.0/v180/icemcfd/linux64_amd".
ANSYSLIC_DIR is set to /apps/Ansys/18.0/shared_files/licensing
LD_LIBRARY_PATH is "/apps/Ansys/18.0/v180/icemcfd/linux64_amd/lib:/apps/Ansys/18.0/v180/icemcfd/linux64_amd/bin:/apps/Ansys/18.0/v180/icemcfd/linux64_amd/dif/iges:/apps/Ansys/18.0/v180/icemcfd/linux64_amd/../../Framework/bin/Linux64".
args =
Application initialization failed: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable
% Exit from ICEM CFD

bluebase August 1, 2017 11:17

HI Sunil,
the $DISPLAY enivornment variable is not specific to ICEM, though it is a problem specific to linux.
It's a variable pointing to your X-server, which draws all GUIs.

Make sure a x-server is running on your system. If you connect to a remote system, don't forget to open an X-tunnel with your ssh client.

Use google to search for the right settings of your system.

with regards,

CFD-Shiraz August 7, 2017 16:38

ICEM- Command List
Hello everyone,

I'm trying to write a job script and journal file to run my ICEM file on Linux.
Is there any pdf file for ICEM Linux command?

shankar.janakiraman February 28, 2020 06:39

ICEM in batch mode throws error
I am also getting the same error. I am able to run the same rpl file interactively without even changing a single line in it. Also through CYGWIN bash I am able to run without any problem. Only problem occurs if I run the bash script file which in turn calls ICEM batch file with the argument passed as rpl file name
Any solution or fix will be great and appreciable

thanks in advance.


Originally Posted by juzer_700 (Post 491696)
I am running ICEM CFD on Linux and I am trying to open the replay file via command line terminal. My replay file is in the correct directory as I am able to load it when using GUI.

So I just wrote:

icemcfd geoRepair_juzer.rpl

And I am getting the following error:

couldn't read file "geoRepair_juzer.rpl": no such file or directory
while executing
"source geoRepair_juzer.rpl"
invoked from within
"script_interp eval [list source $file]"
(".rpl" arm line 2)
invoked from within
"switch [file extension $file] {
.prj - .wbpj { aie_openProject $file }
.tin { aie_open_geom 1 [list $file] }
.uns { aie_open_Mesh 1 "" ..."
(procedure "aie_openFile" line 3)
invoked from within
"aie_openFile $f "
(procedure "AIEnvMain" line 432)
invoked from within
(file "/usr/local/ansys_inc/v145/icemcfd/linux64_amd/lib/ai_env/init.tcl" line 1878)
invoked from within
"source [file join $env(ICEM_ACN) lib ai_env init.tcl]"
invoked from within
"if {[info exists env(ICEM_AI_ENVIRONMENT)] == 1} {
if { $env(ICEM_AI_ENVIRONMENT) == 1 } {
if {[info exists env(MED_ROOT)] &&
(file "/usr/local/ansys_inc/v145/icemcfd/linux64_amd/lib/med/med_start.tcl" line 27)
invoked from within
"source $med_root/lib/med/med_start.tcl"
invoked from within
"if [file exists $med_root/lib/med/med_start.tcl] {
source $med_root/lib/med/med_start.tcl
} elseif [file exists $med_root/../med/lib/med/med_start..."


bluebase February 29, 2020 05:22


Only problem occurs if I run the bash script file which in turn calls ICEM batch file with the argument passed as rpl file name

couldn't read file "geoRepair_juzer.rpl": no such file or directory
while executing
"source geoRepair_juzer.rpl"
If you get a "no such file" error, then your wrapper batch file likely contains an error. Please check from which paths you call icem, and where the rpl file is located from that path.

RexSoosan July 29, 2020 13:38

Automating the Replay Script in Windows
how can i add replay script in icem cfd which is already running by using scheduled script?(OS-windows 10)
i want to automate the loading of replay script in my windows system.
i want to give compute mesh for prism,once the mesh completed i want the script to save the prism file in a particular location with particular name and do exit.once it exits i want to shutdown the system automatically.

The problem is if i add that replay script it is saving the mesh at the time of loading. so i want to make the replay script load automatically after some hours.
how to do that in windows which will get locked after some few minutes?

(I dont want to enter prism parameters in the replay script, that's why i want to start the replay sctipt after giving compute mesh)
Thanks in advance!!

bluebase July 31, 2020 11:47

Hi Rex,

i think you would need to read and learn something about the task scheduler in windows.
And you likely need to write a small bat script to start icem with the desired script when the file is found in the search directory. This bat script could then be used as task to be run.

If the replay script contains undesired steps, such as saving of the mesh, remove them. Figure out which parts of that script are the bits you really need.

Best regards,

RexSoosan July 31, 2020 13:24

I dont want to open another icem cfd along with a script. i want to load replay script in icem cfd which is already running a mesh.And i know about task scheduler. i think task scheduler can start the app with a script, but it cannot load the script in already running icem cfd.

bluebase August 2, 2020 18:40

Well, i think there is no practical way to run a replay script in backgound in the scope of ICEM.

If you just want to let ICEM sleep x hours but not using it, you could write a tcl script which waits that time. Google "tcl sleep after", you should find that the command "after" will let the script sleep the script without returning.

If you want to have a specific time to execute, this approach would likely need a loop to regularly check system time. Again, google this topic with the argument "tcl" since replay scripts are actually tcl scripts.

But again, such approach will only prolong the script's run time. While the delaying script is running, ICEM won't be usable.

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