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tj343 May 1, 2015 04:48

overlapping geometry in Contact Regions in ansys fluent
2 Attachment(s)
I'm performing a 3D CFD simulation in ansys fluent on a laboratory in order to verify the pressure map and overall ventilation design. During meshing, ansys is displaying the following error "The mesh file exporter does not support overlapping geometry in Contact Regions. Please resolve the issue and try again"
I build the geometry in Autocad by drawing an outline of the partitions, extruding, and adding surfaces for boundary conditions.Afterwards, I sliced up the volume in the ansys workbench design modeler. I can't seem to understand what the error is trying to tell me.

I want someone to tell me what this error means and possibly point me in the direction of fixing it as i'm no CFD expert and i'm still learning .

Any help would be greatly appreciated .
Thank You

Attachment 39165
Attachment 39166

Kapi May 4, 2015 21:50

Hi tj343,

Check your named selection. You mite have named selected same body/face/edge twice.
Also to view overlapping geometry just Right click on mesh > Show > Overlapping Geometry and it will highlight the geometry.To view the Overlapping geometry easily Go to Tab View > Wireframe

Hope it helps.


megweni May 5, 2015 21:43

On Ansys 15.0 I am trying to do an analysis on a tidal turbine and in my numerical results the message I get is that zone-face: cannot create surface from sliding interface zones creating empty please what can I do

Kapi May 5, 2015 22:34

Hi megweni,

Please post your question on the thread where similar problem as your is being discussed and if you are not able to find such thread then start a new thread and post your question there!

We are discussing "overlapping geometry" here!


Fadih May 12, 2016 15:02

5 Attachment(s)
hello guys,

I am trying to simulate a 3D VAWT, I have already simulated the 2D model and it was successful. However, I am getting the overlapping contact regions error in mesh modeler for the 3D model, the geometry was originally created in Ansys and not in an external software. The problem is most of the automatically created connections are overridden when I tried to repair the connections by right click on connections==> repair.
is their a way to work around this problem.
The blades of this turbine are supposed to rotate relatively to the core hence the cylinders around them.
I have attached pics of the turbine and the connections tab.
does anyone have any idea?

I would appreciate any help.
Thank you,

Fadih May 12, 2016 15:04

I would like to add that I did all the necessary Boolean operations for the fluid volumes and I am sure that it isn't the source of the problem.

Kapi May 12, 2016 18:41

delete all the contacts(in last pic) which were automatically made and do named selection manually.

Fadih May 12, 2016 18:51

okey but can you clarify a little bit about the connections?
basically what i should do is define which face is in contact with what and should i define the rotatting interfaces or i just do that in fluent?

thank you very much sir.

Kapi May 13, 2016 02:01

Hi fadi,

Ansys creates multiple contact wherever it thinks should be connected or is connected.
You can remove them and you can create manual interface between the contacts where you think interface is required.
First do named selection of each face either side and then create interface selecting it.
This way you wil have fix number of interfaces where you want.
You can create interfaces it in fluent but you should do named selection in mesh stage.

Fadih May 13, 2016 06:24

thank you kafi, i will be trying it now. it turned out that the the fluid domains for rach balde are the ones creating this problem

Fadih May 13, 2016 09:58

it didnt work, the boundary and cell zone conditions in fluent are not the ones that i need to define my domains.
the problemis associated with the fluid domains that enclose the blades, i think i should let ansys do the connections because i am affraid i wont be able to accuratly define them

Kapi May 15, 2016 18:51

if you want Ansys to do the connections then I suggest you to visit each and every connection and see if its right and delete if its not useful.

Fadih May 18, 2016 12:57

thanks kapi for ur help, i took ur advice by making my own interfces in mesh modeler and it worked.
the snap shot shows the result for half rotation of the turbine, so the turbine rotates by 180 degrees while the blades turn relatively to the turbine and turn around their centers by half the turbine speed ( i.e. variable pitch)

danger1 June 20, 2016 02:46

how can i go to contact option in ansys in last pic please tell me the steps.
i am having the same problem.
thank you

Kapi June 20, 2016 18:36

you will find contact regions just above mesh tab!
open it and you will see all the contact regions listed!

RahulKathiwala March 29, 2017 05:54

The mesh file exporter does not support overlapping geometry in Contact Regions.
2 Attachment(s)
Sir, When i am used Ansys 15.0 version. mesh generated in my model but when i was update mesh in workbench module update fail and message is the mesh file exporter does note support overlapping geometry in contact region. so sir how can resolve this problem

Kapi March 29, 2017 17:44

update is failing because of overlapping geometry named selection.
Read the above posts and do as suggested and it will work.

nikhilkulkarni4013 November 6, 2017 06:50

Overlapping geometry
As I am having many parts laid over the pipe.The ansys says its overlapping geometry. What should I do to correct it? Many people suggested to delete one surfaces but deleting one surface may not help me while creating mesh interface as it requires one source and one target surface.
Which surface is exactly to be deleted?

gram November 13, 2017 10:17

Regarding overlapping
I need a help in overlapping
Actually i am solving for Tube heat exchanger with centrifugal fan forced convection problem
And i have multiple contacts
In my case i have multiple interfaces at same faces like one faces meets two regions
if i create interfaces with same faces i am getting overlapping error
please help me

Rajkool February 4, 2020 05:21

Hello Kapi.

In my geometry, I have a number of pipes, which pass through a plate with holes. I got some contact region problem and I was unable to view the images in the target view. So, I deleted those regions. But now, the mesh is not getting updated.

I am getting the following error in workbench, "Update failed for the Mesh component in Fluid Flow (Fluent). Error updating cell Mesh in system Fluid Flow (Fluent). View the messages in the Meshing editor for more details."

And in the meshing tool, I am getting, "The mesh file exporter could not resolve cyclic dependencies in overlapping contact regions. Please try to Repair Overlapping Contact Regions."

Please help me?

Thank you in advance.

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