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Onurozcan December 7, 2015 17:08

Seperated two surface inflation mesh ( boundary layer)

This project is consist of tubes(flow through air) and waste air ( outer region).Accordingly y+ and boundry layer thickness are to be used.(shown below links)

The problem I have run across is in Ansys mesh.

Surface below body(actually the surface is just a part of multi-part) that have both tubes and waste gas flow domain contacts top of plenum(that is the surface).I would like to have same mesh in two section.ButI couldn't inflate on top plenum surface to have same mesh.

named selections in below the body and top of plenum (surface,both contact and interface) are instersected.But top of plenum mesh is not enough.

Could anyone know that is it possible to match same mesh? or is there any way out this problem?

Kind Regards

hwet December 10, 2015 04:47

The question is unclear. Anyways you have to select two bodies in design modeler and form one part to give a conformal mesh if that is what you want.

Onurozcan December 10, 2015 08:01

Hi hwet,

Third photo is to show bottom part of first photo,that is plenum.

That plenum is only extruded cat part.But on top of plenum is drawn a sketch in cat part(defined as named selection and all of interfaces in design modeller) relative to transition of top part that is tubes and outer region of tubes shown in first photo.

If I am going to make '' form new part'' in design modeller , that interfaces are to be conformal mesh like second photo.

Because thing I would like to do is conformal or same mesh views.

I hope I would tell the problem that I have across

Kind Regards,

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