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[ICEM] Regarding "Link Edge" in "Edit Edge" Tab of Blocking

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Old   July 14, 2017, 11:12
Default Regarding "Link Edge" in "Edit Edge" Tab of Blocking
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Purdue University, IN, USA.
Posts: 59
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anand32 will become famous soon enough
Hi All

I have been able to continue on my journey of learning ICEM, with a lot of help from you.

In the "Edit Edge tab of Blocking, there is an option to "LInk Edge", which, I believe links the shape of Target Edge to the Source Edge.

My question is how does the value of "Factor" influence this linking? For example, if the source edge is a straight line, what should the value of factor be? And what about the case when the source edge is itself curved?

The ANSYS Help document does not explain this very well.

Any advise or comment on this will be very much appreciated.

Thank you
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Old   July 19, 2017, 12:28
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kad will become famous soon enoughkad will become famous soon enough
It is correct that "link edge" links the shape of the source edge to the target edge. As a rough estimate you can say that the factor 1 means that the shape of the target edge follows the shape of the source edge perfectly. A factor of 0 means there is no linking at all. Nice way to investigate the impact of factor is to use the method "Interactive" with a simple blocking, see attachment. In this example the curved edge is the target edge and the edge with the mouse pointer hovering over it is the source edge. You can change the value of factor in mode "Interactive" and see what happens to the edge shape.
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Old   July 19, 2017, 19:43
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anand32 will become famous soon enough
Thank you Kad.
With your help, I am beginning to understand Link Edge Function.

If I may, I also have one related question.

The "Split" Edge function is used to split the edge, in various shapes, like splines, linear or one using a control point.

However, I have also seen this function being used to make the edge take the shape of the curve, in airfoil tutorials, by ANSYS,

and other places.

How is that possible? How can we use this function to make the edge take the shape of the curve?

Could you please explain?
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Old   July 21, 2017, 11:54
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kad will become famous soon enoughkad will become famous soon enough
I never used that function extensively. Once again, the easiest way of getting used to "split edge" function is to play around with it. Have a look at the help manual, too. It is pretty good explained in it. In the attached screen I used the first four methods (spline-automatic linear) on the inner edges. I do not know how automatic linear exactly works. But from the video I guess, that for associated edges it just some kind of snaps the edges to their corresponding curves. So it treats every bunching node like a additional split (or vertex) with linear connection in between them. Those additional vertices are than snapped onto the geometry.
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File Type: jpg splitEdge2.jpg (106.4 KB, 41 views)
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