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[ICEM] How to generate an unstructured mesh for a 2 fluid domain rotor in ICEM CFD

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Old   December 21, 2020, 07:52
Default How to generate an unstructured mesh for a 2 fluid domain rotor in ICEM CFD
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Join Date: Mar 2020
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Dear Respected Members,

I'll try to elaborate and explain my case

I'm working on a wind turbine rotor that has 2 fluid domain, a rotating domain cylinder that just surrounds the rotor, and a bigger domain cylinder that surrounds both.

When I used to create such geometry on design modeler to take to ansys meshing, I use 2 booleans, one to subtract the turbine walls from the inner domain and NOT keep the subtracted geometry (i.e not fluid anymore), and then subtract the inner domain from the outer domain but keep the geometry, so now I have only 2 solids which are the domains (and the turbine walls is an internal wall of the inner domain. I form a new part for the 2 to assure conformal meshing.

Then after I assign named selection in ansys meshing, I go to fluent in cell zone conditions and give the inner domain a rotational rpm, and then go to boundary conditions and give the turbine walls zero rotational speed "relative to the adjacent" (which is the inner domain).

But unfortunately I'm unable to reach a Y+=1using ansys meshing so I had to switch to ICEM

I started by only importing the turbine geometry and drawing the domain cylinders in ICEM, I created parts for inlet outlet and domain walls in the bigger domain cylinder, and defined the two domain bodies as body.

I set some sizes and then generated a volume octree mesh, but no surface mesh was created for the turbine walls.

I tried to Import the model with the domains and the boolean subtraction and both solids formed as a part just as I use in ansys meshing. I ended up with 3 parts when I opened ICEM, I set sizings and computed the octree mesh and there was a surface mesh, but when I deleted the volume elements (to create a prism layer and then create a volume delaunay mesh), no prism layer was generated inside the inner domain surrounding the wall blades.

I wonder if the domain body definition is the reason, I'm confused since he case has 2 domain bodies. Here's a drive link

I would appreciate help in that regard, if you'd prefer to contact me on whatsapp please do so +201100964845
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