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[ANSYS Meshing] Questions about skewness

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Old   August 28, 2022, 10:12
Post Questions about skewness
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zeldaa is on a distinguished road
hello everybody
I have a very important question

I have a UAV propeller and I used ansys meshing, my grid is unstructured and my elements are tetrahedral

when I use the inflation layer my mesh quality drops and for max skewness, I have's under 0.98(I read in this forums it should be under this), and my orthogonal is above 0.01 and almost all of my elements have a good quality just some of them have a skewness 0.96.(average of skewness is good)because when I observed mesh metric quality, when I click on the last bar I found out that there weren't any elements with skewness of 0.96, instead, there were elements with skewness around 0.9, and 0.93 for example, and the number of them was really low.
so I increase the number of bars and the same happen until I finally found out that there were 0.96 elements but the number of them is very low again.
so why this is happening?

and another thing happen, when I open fluent and check the mesh and report the quality min orthogonal improved a little for example if in the meshing it shows 0.0108 in fluent it shows 0.018.

so what is happening here?

anyway I run with this mesh and everything looks fine I never got divergence problems and my results are good compared to the two experiments

so is it possible that new versions of fluent somehow improve meshes when we import them?
and why my quality graph in meshing did not show elements with 0.96 skewness at first.
and based on the fact that I got my results, can we say that in some cases fluent somehow can handle some poor elements?

more information:
low Reynolds number,
double precision
k-w sst (y+ is one and lower)
coupled solver
2nd order for all equations

does anyone experience something like this?

looking forward to your help
Thank you so much
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mesh quality, skewness

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