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Dessiog November 9, 2022 13:35

Problems with mesh/skew of a wing
3 Attachment(s)
Hello everyone!

I've been struggling with a problem with my mesh for a while and it's been impossible to find the source of it. Basically, I have the domain seen in the first two pictures, with an e. skew of 0.66 (which is not great, but adjustable). However, when I set the nodes to the lines at the extent of the wing (picture 3) the skew goes insanely low and it turns into a mess. I checked for any incorrect association but didn't find any.

Does anyone may have an idea on what's going on? Any insights are welcome!


shereez234 November 10, 2022 03:50

You can right click on the blocking->edges->show association.

Check whether all the blocks in the fluid zone are in the fluid blocking.

This looks more like an association problem to me. Make sure you have selected copy- Parameters to all parallel edges.

Lastly you can also you do face association to a specific surface part (inlet, outlet, what have you) to ensure associations are okay!

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