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perotto94 June 30, 2023 02:27

Inflation does not affect the expected edge

I have some trouble with setting inflation in ANSYS Mechanical Mesher.

I have a thin model of a fluid between two rolls. The mesh is triangular with sweep in the specified direction. I divided the bottom face in two to make the left one (very small) an inlet for paint and the right one (very wide) an outlet for paint/air mixture.
I need to set inflation for left and right edges with total thickness equal to the length of the specified edge. The right inflation layers are fine. The left inflation layer starts far from edge; however, I expect it to start from the bottom and occupy the whole bottom edge. I tried different settings, but failed.
Currently, my average global element size is 500 um and the length of the bottom edge/total inflation thickness should be 12 um.

The problem can be solved with increasing the length of the edge and dividing the inlet with UDF profile in Fluent to separate paint from air, but it did cause some inadequate results.

Gert-Jan July 6, 2023 07:44

I don't know how you created the mesh, but since it is swept, you should first focus on the surface mesh to be perfect and then sweep it.
So the quesiton is, how did you create the surface mesh??

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