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Ansys Design modeler subtraction

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  • 1 Post By natantyt
  • 2 Post By Graham81

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Old   October 15, 2011, 22:52
Default Ansys Design modeler subtraction
Join Date: Aug 2010
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natantyt is on a distinguished road

I have a complex agglomoration of particles in the design modeler, this agglomoration is bounded by a box. How can I make design modeler recognize the pore space. That means subtracting a complex geometry from a full box which gives acomples pore network.

Can anyone tell me the exact procedure?

Thank You,
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Old   October 18, 2011, 07:15
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* Freeze both volumes (tools --> freeze)
* Create --> Boolean ---> Operation: subtract, target body: select box, tool body: select agglomeration. Preserve tool bodies? No

Good luck,

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Old   November 7, 2011, 16:27
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Jim Stiernberg
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Thank you soooo much!!!
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Old   July 20, 2016, 05:57
Default Fluid body problem
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Saxony Anhalt
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Dear All,
I am trying to do a DPM modeling for the flow dynamics of particles and air inside a spray dryer using ANSYS Fluent. My confusion might be under rated but I am stuck with it since a week now. The model apparently seems easy and might also be but I am confused about few things. I have attached a picture of the geometry as well as geometry file if someone wants to look into it.
Firstly, I am confused about the negative volume (fluid extraction) inside the spray dryer body. Should I use certain operations like fill or enclosure in order to model the flow dynamics or does assigning the body as Fluid body is enough?
Secondly as there an outlet pipe inside the dryer, I am not very sure how to proceed with this? Should the pipe be as a solid body or a fluid body? And should I use certain Boolean operations for the pipe like subtract or not? For now all the bodies I have kept as frozen.
I would be very grateful if anyone could give an insight to this problem. I merely need an advice or a guidance to what path or necessary steps I should follow that align with my problem. I look forward to helpful responses. Thank you very much.
Kind regards,
Umair Jamil
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Old   July 20, 2016, 05:58
Default Fluid body
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Saxony Anhalt
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Originally Posted by Graham81 View Post

* Freeze both volumes (tools --> freeze)
* Create --> Boolean ---> Operation: subtract, target body: select box, tool body: select agglomeration. Preserve tool bodies? No

Good luck,

Dear All,
I am trying to do a DPM modeling for the flow dynamics of particles and air inside a spray dryer using ANSYS Fluent. My confusion might be under rated but I am stuck with it since a week now. The model apparently seems easy and might also be but I am confused about few things. I have attached a picture of the geometry as well as geometry file if someone wants to look into it.
Firstly, I am confused about the negative volume (fluid extraction) inside the spray dryer body. Should I use certain operations like fill or enclosure in order to model the flow dynamics or does assigning the body as Fluid body is enough?
Secondly as there an outlet pipe inside the dryer, I am not very sure how to proceed with this? Should the pipe be as a solid body or a fluid body? And should I use certain Boolean operations for the pipe like subtract or not? For now all the bodies I have kept as frozen.
I would be very grateful if anyone could give an insight to this problem. I merely need an advice or a guidance to what path or necessary steps I should follow that align with my problem. I look forward to helpful responses. Thank you very much.
Kind regards,
Umair Jamil
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Old   February 11, 2017, 23:02
Default Boolean operations for geometries protruding inside and outside another geometry
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Originally Posted by umairjamil View Post
Dear All,
I am trying to do a DPM modeling for the flow dynamics of particles and air inside a spray dryer using ANSYS Fluent. My confusion might be under rated but I am stuck with it since a week now. The model apparently seems easy and might also be but I am confused about few things. I have attached a picture of the geometry as well as geometry file if someone wants to look into it.
Firstly, I am confused about the negative volume (fluid extraction) inside the spray dryer body. Should I use certain operations like fill or enclosure in order to model the flow dynamics or does assigning the body as Fluid body is enough?
Secondly as there an outlet pipe inside the dryer, I am not very sure how to proceed with this? Should the pipe be as a solid body or a fluid body? And should I use certain Boolean operations for the pipe like subtract or not? For now all the bodies I have kept as frozen.
I would be very grateful if anyone could give an insight to this problem. I merely need an advice or a guidance to what path or necessary steps I should follow that align with my problem. I look forward to helpful responses. Thank you very much.
Kind regards,
Umair Jamil

Hey, Umair Did you get to know how to solve your problem? Could you post the solution. I am kind of in the similar situation in building geometry. It will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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