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Generate Parts Using Named Selection

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Old   March 2, 2016, 10:59
Question Generate Parts Using Named Selection
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Jonas Ohlsson
Join Date: Mar 2016
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Greetings from Sweden!

I've been trying to create parts from Groups of named selections in ANSYS 16.0 DesignModeler, but without any luck. I was also in Contact with one of the ANSYS supports available but they couldn't help me either.

Therefore I'm asking you. But first let me give you some background to the problem.

I am trying to build a flange model that automatically changes geometry and number of bolts depending on input parameters from Herkules (external excel-program). And since the flange model will change its number of bolts I create a wedge of the flange initially (shown in picture 1 below). When that flange-wedge have the correct dimensions I select parts by hand and create Named selections from them. Then when all parts of the flange-wedge (the bolts, upper pipe, gasket, lower pipe, etc.) have their own Named Selection I revolve the wedge such that I obtain the full model (shown in picture 2).

Doing these Name-Selection-operations on the wedge before revolving it, makes all the parts of a certain type go to a certain Named Selection. So that all revolved parts of the gasket ends up in the Named Selection "Gasket".

After revolving the wedge, creating a complete flange model, I create a symmetry plane and split the flange in half (shown in picture 3). All operations used when creating the flange model is shown in picture 4 appended below. And in picture 5 I show which bodies I want to merge into Parts.

To make it easier for you to study the tree, here is a nomenclature of the names (starting from the top of picture 1 and going downwards):
UP - Upper Pipe (located at the ends of the model)
LP - Lower Pipe
UH - Upper Hub
LH - Lower Hub
BH - Bolt Head
CF - Center Flange (shown in picture 5)
UF - Upper Flange (the part of the flange in contact with the BH)
LF - Lower Flange (the part below UF)
ORF - Outer Raised Face (the part of the Raised Face closest to the Bolt)
IRF - Inner Raised Face (the "most-left" part of the Raised Face in Picture 1)
B - Bolt (the part of the bolt that's in-between the bolt heads)
Bslz - Bolt Slice (A small disk created from slicing the top and bottom of the Bolt)

If you have any questions I will answer them any time.

Well here is the problem.
After having all the right parts in the right Named Selection, I would also like to have these Named Selections as various parts.
But I have not managed to solve this, and neither has the support.

So are there anyone here who has encountered a similar problem?
And even more interesting; Do you have any solution to the problem?
Is there any way of solving this in Workbench or do you have to implement a script/command in DesignModeler?

I would be extremly greatful if anyone could help me or come up with any ideas.

Thank you very much!
Jonas Ohlsson
Attached Images
File Type: jpg TB.jpg (29.0 KB, 7 views)
File Type: png Revolve.PNG (107.7 KB, 7 views)
File Type: png Symmetry.PNG (72.0 KB, 7 views)
File Type: png Tree.PNG (53.8 KB, 9 views)
File Type: jpg TB_parts.jpg (43.9 KB, 7 views)

Last edited by jonasohlsson; March 4, 2016 at 06:21.
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Old   March 14, 2016, 05:32
Default Solution.. well kind of
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Jonas Ohlsson
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 2
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jonasohlsson is on a distinguished road
I have tried solving it for some time now but without any luck.
Although I realized that if you create a model with more Bodies than what you will have during the automation, and select them into Parts,
then you won't have to deal with Bodies that falls out of their assigned Multibody Part. That is the way that I have solved the problem.
As long as you don't create any new Bodies this works.

Maybe someone here can use it..
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ansys workbench 16.0, automated design, design modeler, named selections

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