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Ansys Mechanical in batch mode for multiple analysis

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Old   April 4, 2017, 00:29
Default Ansys Mechanical in batch mode for multiple analysis
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Bruno Sotelo
Join Date: Mar 2017
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hello everyone,

I have an Ansys Mechanical model consisting of a static structural block connected to an eigenvalue buckling block. The analysis is to first solve for all stresses and then find the critical buckling load, respectively.

For the static structural block, I am able to write an input dat file under the setup, run the job in an Ansys-supported cluster outside of Workbench, comeback to Workbench with the results, open the solution cell and read the result rst file. Then, I move on the eigenvalue buckling block and when I write the input file from the setup cell, it doesn't contain the geometry nor the mesh settings, nor the stress results from the static structural block. Therefore, when I run this in batch, it will comeback empty because the input file is not complete.

*The way the two blocks are connected is the "solution" of the static structural block is connected to the "setup" of the eigenvalue buckling block.

Can anybody help me figure out how I can create the input file from the second block, containing all previous results from the static structural block?

Another way to ask is, is it possible to create the input file only one time for multiple analysis so it does it acrosss all analysis blocks?
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Old   April 5, 2017, 15:47
Default Update to my question
New Member
Bruno Sotelo
Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 5
Rep Power: 9
bsotelo is on a distinguished road I have been able to partially solve my issue:

I run the first analysis system, the static structural analysis, by writing an input file and submitting this to the cluster. With the results, I read the rst file in the solution cell and moved on to the second analysis system: eigenvalue buckling.

I wrote the second input file in the solve cell and then went to my cluster again, uploaded this new input file, and in addition, I uploaded the rdb, ldhi, and Rnnn files which contain the solution of the first analysis. This worked and gave a new rst file that I read back into the the solution cell of the second block and was able to see the finished results of the second system. Voila!

Now, the real question now is how can I do this with just one input in one trip to the cluster. If I go straight to the second analysis block and write an input file, it's scripted without the geometry, model(mesh), and setup details of the first block and instead is just calling for those results which is why I only know how to do this piecewise.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?
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batch, input file, mechanical

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