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littlelz July 20, 2009 05:46

is there any cell size limit in ICEMCFD
I got a strange problem as I generate a big CFX-4 mesh (above 10million hexa cells) in ICEMCFD; in .geo mesh file, the second line as following:

/* Grid generated by ICEM CFD/CAE - CFX-4 Interface Vers. 5.1.0 */
50 300 1171010892810701306 /* NBLOCK,NPATCH,NGLUE,NELEM,NPOINT */

this mesh file can't be read by CFX11, it shows that the second line has problem, the correct mesh file should be look like as following:

/* Grid generated by ICEM CFD/CAE - CFX-4 Interface Vers. 5.1.0 */
50 300 117 8624128 9143706 /* NBLOCK,NPATCH,NGLUE,NELEM,NPOINT */

So, the incorrect second line cused by the big cell number, how can I avoid it? any idea? please help me

many thanks


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