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Designmodeler 12 surface from coordinates

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Old   January 27, 2011, 15:57
Default Designmodeler 12 surface from coordinates
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woo is on a distinguished road

I'm looking to simulate turbulent flow over topography from a coordinate file (XYZ [m]). I've found how to import coordinate data into Ansys Designmodeler in Workbench 12. The data appears as displayed in the attached screen capture.

I'm curious: What is the most efficient method to generate a surface from this cloud of points? This seems like it would be a fairly common task anyone have a good SOP for this?

It seems that it's possible to create 3D curves, then possibly "loft" a surface using the 3D curves as profiles? Any luck with this approach?

Thanks for your time, hopefully, this thread will provide concise information for others looking generate surfaces from point clouds. As I searched and didn't find a definitive answer.

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File Type: jpg point_screen_capture.jpg (91.7 KB, 97 views)
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Old   June 20, 2011, 14:52
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Fredy Cabrales
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Originally Posted by woo View Post

I'm looking to simulate turbulent flow over topography from a coordinate file (XYZ [m]). I've found how to import coordinate data into Ansys Designmodeler in Workbench 12. The data appears as displayed in the attached screen capture.

I'm curious: What is the most efficient method to generate a surface from this cloud of points? This seems like it would be a fairly common task anyone have a good SOP for this?

It seems that it's possible to create 3D curves, then possibly "loft" a surface using the 3D curves as profiles? Any luck with this approach?

Thanks for your time, hopefully, this thread will provide concise information for others looking generate surfaces from point clouds. As I searched and didn't find a definitive answer.

Hi woo!

I am on the same situation as you are. I have to create a "loft" surface from several splines to generate a blade. I imported all 3D lines from a file but it seems that there is not possible to generate the loft surface using the curves, considering that they are not sketches.

What did you do to solve this problem? were you manage to create the loft surface?

I really appreciate your help and any reply to this message.
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Old   June 20, 2011, 15:06
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I contacted ANSYS through our support contract. They suggested a work-around using CAD software to create an STL file. There's a few options out there IE: Paraform. This didn't work well for me.

Instead I opted to use GAMBIT. Gambit has a journal language that allows for you to create splines and surfaces from point clouds or gridded data. The syntax for the commands to create points, lines from points and faces from lines... and so on is very intuitive.

I used this online reference to create scripts in Matlab to write journal files for Gambit to create mesh files for Fluent based on XYZ data.

Eventually, I realized that my modeling goals weren't easily achievable using CFD for various reasons and dropped that portion of the project.

Best wishes and good luck with your goals.

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