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howto -> perl script for switch steady to transient

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Old   December 20, 2011, 17:39
Default howto -> perl script for switch steady to transient
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 32
Rep Power: 15
MainzerKaiser is on a distinguished road
#! perl -w

print "Running steady thermal FSI simulation with one time step\n";
open(SOLVER,| system
"amd/software/ansys13/ansys_inc/v130/CFX/bin/cfx5solve -def VERSUCH.def \\
-ini ../../CFX-3/CFX/INPUT_TFSI_1stDT.res \\
-double \\
-name 'VERSUCH' \\
-mfx-run-mode 'Start ANSYS and CFX' \\
-ansys-input 'ds.dat' \\
-ansys-license aa_r \\
-ansys-arguments '-np 4' \\
-part 4 \\
-start-method 'MPICH Local Parallel'";
close(SOLVER); #waits until done to continue
print "Running transient thermal FSI simulation\n";
system "/amd/software/ansys13/ansys_inc/v130/CFX/bin/cfx5solve -def
VERSUCH_001.res \\
-double \\
-mfx-run-mode 'Start ANSYS and CFX' \\
-ansys-input \\
-ansys-restart VERSUCH_001.ansys/ANSYS.db \\
-ansys-license aa_r \\
-ansys-arguments '-np 4' \\
-part 4 \\
-start-method 'MPICH Local Parallel'\\
& ";

The first system is command is for one timestep steady FSI. The 2nd is for the complete transient operation including an with timint=on etc...
The problems are:
1. without the open(Solver| thing, both system commands start at the same time, the second one does not wait for the first one to finalize. But the combination of system commands + open command does not work, either!
What do You guys do, if you want to start several processes after each other?

2. second system command = restart does not work, althouth same setup in GUI works. I get errors like:

| ERROR #002100056 has occurred in subroutine CPLG_CheckBc. |
| Message: |
| An ANSYS CFX boundary condition that requires data from an external|
| coupled solver (e.g. ANSYS Multi-field) has been used on |
| ANSYS CFX boundary : WALL_F_S |
| |
| The required data is not available because either: |
| - a coupling to the external solver has not been established, or |
| - the external solver is not aware that it must provide the data |
| (e.g. missing MFLC command in the ANSYS Multi-field setup). |

| ERROR #002100056 has occurred in subroutine CPLG_CheckBc. |
| Message: |
| An ANSYS CFX boundary condition that requires data from an external|
| coupled solver (e.g. ANSYS Multi-field) has been used on |
| ANSYS CFX boundary : WALL_F_R |
| |
| The required data is not available because either: |
| - a coupling to the external solver has not been established, or |
| - the external solver is not aware that it must provide the data |
| (e.g. missing MFLC command in the ANSYS Multi-field setup). |

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| Failed in solver setup synchronization point. |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

THX for your help in advance!!

Last edited by MainzerKaiser; December 20, 2011 at 18:01.
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Old   February 8, 2012, 09:49
Darren Leong
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 64
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Darren Leong is on a distinguished road
Hi Kaiser,

Not sure if this helps. You can use multi-configurations within the same def file. Refer to:
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Old   February 13, 2012, 11:49
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 32
Rep Power: 15
MainzerKaiser is on a distinguished road
Thx for that link. That blog seems to be helpful, although I cannot estimate whether that strategie is applicable to 2-way FSI.
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