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Meshing Module Error [ANSYS 14.0 on Centos 6.2]

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Old   March 25, 2012, 01:25
Default Meshing Module Error [ANSYS 14.0 on Centos 6.2]
Darren Leong
Join Date: Dec 2010
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Dear all,

I've recently installed ANSYS v14.0 on Centos 6.2 (64bit). Everything works fine except for the meshing module. When I attempt to generate a mesh the following error occurs:

A software execution error occurred inside the mesher. The process suffered an unhandled exception or ran out of usable memory.

1. Has anyone else experience the same error? [Need to know if it's just me]
2. Any solution or suggestions to try out?

I've ~7gb free ram buffer and also about 40gb free disk space. The geometry needs only ~200,000 elements to mesh so i'm pretty sure it's a bug.
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Old   March 26, 2012, 10:48
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Xiaohui Zhang
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bluenight is on a distinguished road
[QUOTE=Darren Leong;351293]Dear all,

I've recently installed ANSYS v14.0 on Centos 6.2 (64bit). Everything works fine except for the meshing module. When I attempt to generate a mesh the following error occurs:

Hi, I met the same problem for Ansys13 when opening two Meshing Module files at the same time. The problem would be resolved if closing one of them. Hope it helps.
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Old   November 14, 2016, 15:53
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I'm facing a similar problem when I use multizone method with inflation to mesh a particular set of bodies. It shows the following message: “A software execution error occurred inside the mesher. The process suffered an unhandled exception or ran out of usable memory”.

It doesn't occur any error when I mesh this same set of bodies with multizone (without inflation), tetrahedrons (with or without inflation), or sweep (with or without inflation).

It doesn't seem to be a memory problem, as I'm able to mesh similar bodies located in different places using multizone with inflation. Task manager doesn't show abnormal use of memory as well.

For example, in the image below, all bodies have the same dimensions, all of them are half cylinders. Meshing the ones on the left doesn't give me any problem. My problem is with those bodies located at the diagonal on the right.

Does anybody know how I can solve this issue?

(btw, I'm using ANSYS 17.0 on windows 10)
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