Can someone tell me more about vulashaka
Posted April 10, 2011 at 10:44 by alexey2petrov
pythonFlu really rulez. I was using it yesterday with my advisor and extracting data from fields and operate with them via numPy was completely transparent. Here nisi prepared a series of gdb macros in order to debug FOAM easely, now much of this work can be done with pythoFlu, plus the potential of data manipulation inside of the running. I think I'll code some lines in order to export fvMatrix to numPy arrays and things like this.
Keep this party going.
Keep this party going.
Total Comments 3
Hi Alexey,
Renaming your project gave it renewed karma I hope you can do the same to the older projects you had at If not, I can very much understand, since being busy is something that comes naturally when one starts working on any project
Best regards and keep up the good work!
BrunoPosted April 10, 2011 at 13:48 by wyldckat -
Ye. I still wonder what karma could be for flu like projects?
Ye, might be it has a sense to come up with a family project (name it as influenza, for example), which would refer to all my stuff ...Posted April 11, 2011 at 00:52 by alexey2petrov -
Hi Alexey,
Well, flu could be a call sign for either:
- Flow You ... Flow-U ... Flu
- Flow Unlimited
- Flow Unleashed
- Flow Untamed
- Flow Universe
- Flow 4 You ... which translates in Basque to "fluxua lau duzu", hence F.L.U. ... OK, it's a bit of a stretch
Best regards,
BrunoPosted April 13, 2011 at 18:26 by wyldckat