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Meeting other OF-Users at OFW7

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Meeting other OF-Users at OFW7

Posted July 1, 2012 at 07:06 by Linse
Updated July 1, 2012 at 10:11 by wyldckat

Last week I did take part in the OpenFOAM Workshop 7 (OFW7) at Darmstadt's "Darmstadtium". It certainly was a great experience!

There was only one minor downside to it: The architect of the Darmstadtium obviously had a strange idea of providing fun to visitors of the building by making orientation difficult. Somehow the different walkways reminded me of a book about a young wizard who comes to a school of wizardry and finds a staircase changing every now and then.
Luckily there was indication at the lifts where to find which room. Else I certainly would have wandered around in this building much more...

The workshop itself only can be described with words such as "great", "awesome"...
Monday saw several trainings sessions. I had made a decision about going for the "E-level"-sessions. Which just right now reminds me of "E=mc^2" - which in turn gives an impression about the challenge some parts of these lessons posed. But it had been my own decision, and I am sure I did learn a lot from them!
Tuesday and Wednesday were reserved for presentations like at an usual conference. All of the ones I visited were interesting, though the challenge of understanding everything quite often was a big one. But I guess that's how it is at conferences and workshops.
Thursday finally saw a nice community-driven day of clinics and ad-hoc sessions on highly interesting topics. The bad thing about that: Too many interesting things at the same time. We simply would have needed another week for all that stuff! ;-)

The social part was great as well, but I will not go into too much detail here. It simply was nicely organised where necessary (workshop dinner at Castle Auerbach) and open where appropriate (Thursday evening starting at "An Sibin" or however that Irish pub was called). Lots of connections made, lots of interesting things learned...

All together: It was a great workshop at Darmstadt!
Thanks for that to the whole organising commitee!
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