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boiling in openFOAM

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boiling in openFOAM

Posted August 12, 2011 at 17:06 by nimasam

i would like to review some works i have seen in openFOAM which involved boiling.
maybe the main work is related to professor Peter Stephan's group from darmstadt university.
they used the OpenFOAM solver (interfoam) as the basic solver and made new solver, first Bitan shu (Phase change with VOF) in paper "
PHASE CHANGE MODEL FOR TWO-PHASE FLUID FLOW BASED ON THE VOLUME OF FLUID METHOD" implemented welch method in "A Volume of Fluid Based Method for Fluid Flows with Phase Change" , i tried to repeat bitan work again! but i could not resolve interface diffusivity, because VOF in interFoam is not sharp! and it's a transition region among two or 3 cells! and for boiling a sharp interface is needed, so i had an over estimation! it seems he has used an special treatment for interface diffusivity!
second! Christian Kunkelmann developed the code! he made great progress, he implemented hardt model in "Evaporation model for interfacial flows based on a continuum-field representation of the source terms", then he resolved interface problem with combination of levelset method and VOF method in "Evaporation model for interfacial flows based on acontinuum-field representation of the source terms ".
i followed their instruction, so i implement hardt model and i tried to resolve interface diffusivity , with dynamic mesh! (evapPhaseChangeFOAM)
however it works well! but the mesh number increase so fast! and its time- consuming so implementation of leveL set method is necessary!
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